

Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Volume 117, January 2023

An investigation into a new integrated model for pricing and financing a sustainable supply chain that can reduce manufacturing costs and thus encourage better participation by producers in green projects.

The Lancet Regional Health - Western Pacific, Volume 30, January 2023

This Article supports SDG 3 by estimating the disease burden and establishing a baseline of linkage to care for hepatitis B virus in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, showing the feasibility of a large-scale comprehensive screening and access-to-care program for hepatitis B virus elimination in a low-to middle-income country.

The Lancet Regional Health - Western Pacific, Volume , 2023

This Article supports SDG 3 by describing a cost-effectiveness analysis of point-of-care HCV testing compared with standard of care (laboratory-based testing) in particular settings with people at risk of HCV infection (prisons, needle and syringe programme, drug treatment clinics). It found that all point-of-care testing strategies assessed had a lower cost per treatment initiation than standard of care regardless of setting of HCV antibody prevalence.

Annals of Hepatology, Volume 28, 1 January 2023

This article aligns with the SDG goal 3 of Good health and wellbeing and SDG 10 Reduced inequalities by evidencing that the magnitude of hepatitis delta virus (HDV) infection increases with the severity of liver disease among chronic hepatitis B patients in Ethiopia.
Elsevier, Alzheimer's Disease and Advanced Drug Delivery Strategies, Volume , 1 January 2023
Alzheimer's disease (AD) is a severe global public health issue because it is an irreversible neurodegeneration of the brain that impairs personality, cognition, memory, and other functions before it ultimately results in death from total brain failure.
Elsevier, Alzheimer's Disease and Advanced Drug Delivery Strategies, Volume , 1 January 2023
The most prevalent type of neurogenerative condition linked to dementia, based on the current situation, is Alzheimer's Disease (AD).
Elsevier, Side Effects of Drugs Annual, Volume 45, January 2023
Medications used in the treatment of Alzheimer's disease include the acetylcholinesterase inhibitors (AChEIs, i.e., donepezil, rivastigmine, and galantamine), the N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor (NDMAR) antagonist, memantine, and the anti-amyloid beta monoclonal antibody, aducanumab.
Elsevier, Diet and Nutrition in Neurological Disorders, Volume , 1 January 2023
This chapter discusses any plausible correlation between malnutrition and the onset of Alzheimer's disease. An overview of Alzheimer's pathophysiology is included to offer an understanding of the various underlying causes leading to its manifestation.

One Earth, Volume 6, 20 January 2023

Marine aquaculture is predicted to serve an important role in alleviating pressure on fisheries and land-based food production, but aquaculture will not be sustainable without continued innovations in the aquaculture sector. Strong governance and economic conditions play a small but highly significant role in the development of marine aquaculture speices

Handbook of Lifespan Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: Childhood, Adolescence, Pregnancy, Adulthood, and Aging, Volume , 1 January 2023

This content aligns with Goal 3: Good Health and Wellbeing and Goal 10: Reduced Inequalities by discussing the application of cognitive behavior therapy, an evidence-based psychological approach in adolescents suffering from Asperger syndrome with comorbid depressive disorder.
