

Journal of Molecular Biology, Volume 435, 15 June 2023

In this review, we discuss how cellular senescence contributes to brain aging and neurodegenerative diseases, and the relationship between protein aggregation and cellular senescence.

Integrative Medicine Research, Volume 12, June 2023

This study aimed to investigate the amelioration effects of preventive TEAS treatment (P-TEAS) on cognitive impairment and oxidative stress in AD model rats.

Pharmacological Research - Modern Chinese Medicine, Volume 7, June 2023

This article explores the potential of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) as a treatment for Alzheimer's disease, highlighting the holistic approach of TCM and its promising results in improving cognitive function in Alzheimer's patients. It emphasizes the need for further rigorous clinical trials to validate these findings.

eClinicalMedicine, Volume 60, June 2023

This Article supports Sustainable Development Goal 3 by estimating the proportion of dementia attributable to hypertension, finding an overall global population attributable fraction of 15.8%. Results were also broken down by region and age. The authors note that the estimates from this study could help to inform public health policy at global and national levels.

eBioMedicine, Volume 92, June 2023

This Article supports Sustainable Development Goal 3 by describing a cohort characterization model for Alzheimer’s Disease built on medications and diagnoses data that are widely available in a structured format in electronic health records (EHRs), showing that standard machine learning applied to sequences of EHR data can produce scalable computational characterization of Alzheimer’s disease cohorts.

eBioMedicine, Volume 92, June 2023

This Article supports Sustainable Development Goal 3 by highlighting differential effects of sleep disturbances on resting-state neural activity in patients on the Alzheimer's disease spectrum relative to healthy adults, suggesting a key role of sleep disturbances in the neurophysiological changes seen in Alzheimer's disease, with implications for basic research and clinical intervention.

The Lancet Regional Health - Europe, Volume 29, June 2023

This Viewpoint supports Sustainable Development Goal 3 by estimating the potential financial cost of lecanemab, a drug for early Alzheimer's disease, if it were to be approved in Europe at the same price as in the USA. The authors suggest that pricing would be unsustainable and that new payment models will be needed to address affordability and inequalities in access.

The Lancet Global Health, Volume 11, June 2023

This Comment article supports SDG 3 and 16 by highlighting how complex humanitarian settings have become fertile environments for spreading misinformation, disinformation, and malinformation, and how the 2021 release of the Oxford Statement on International Law Protection in Cyberspace, which touches on sovereignty, incitement, human rights, criminal law, general rules of international humanitarian law, and international criminal law, is an important first step to address this type of disinformation.

The Lancet Regional Health - Americas, Volume 22, June 2023, 100527

This News item supports SDG 3 by describing the work of the PAHO Commission on Mental Health and COVID-19, which was created in order to improve mental health care in the Latin America and Caribbean region in light of the mental health crisis resulting from the pandemic. The article describes the 10 recommendations set forth by the Commission, and the opportunities and implications of these recommendations.

The Lancet Regional Health - Western Pacific, Volume 35, June 2023

This Article supports SDG 3 by evaluating alanine transaminase antiviral treatments for hepatitis B virus infection in China. The authors suggest the optimal treatment coverage for both cost-effectiveness and mortality reduction based on their findings
