
Circos-style plot representing the genetic heterogeneity within developmental disorders

The Lancet, Volume 385, 4 April 2015

This Article supports SDG 3 by describing the development and implementation of a translational genomics workflow in a large-scale rare disease research study to communicate pertinent findings to individual research participants.
Elsevier, Social Science and Medicine, Volume 128, March 01, 2015
There is a very large literature examining income inequality in relation to health. Early reviews came to different interpretations of the evidence, though a large majority of studies reported that health tended to be worse in more unequal societies. More recent studies, not included in those reviews, provide substantial new evidence. Our purpose in this paper is to assess whether or not wider income differences play a causal role leading to worse health.
Tenebrio molitor in the form of mealworm (left) and beetle (right). Photos by author.
Elsevier, Social Science and Medicine, Volume 129, March 01, 2015
Scientists in the Netherlands are cultivating edible insects to address concerns of international food security. Committed to the One World, One Health (OWOH) movement, their research aims to create a safe and effective global solution to the conjoined problems of climate change and an increasing worldwide demand for protein. Their preliminary work is promising, as it suggests that when compared to other sources of meat, insects can be an efficient, safe, and low-impact source of nutrients. Additionally, in many sites with endemic malnutrition, people find insects tasty.
Elsevier, Journal of Adolescent Health, Volume 56, 1 March 2015
Purpose Transgender youth represent a vulnerable population at risk for negative mental health outcomes including depression, anxiety, self-harm, and suicidality. Limited data exist to compare the mental health of transgender adolescents and emerging adults to cisgender youth accessing community-based clinical services; the present study aimed to fill this gap. Methods A retrospective cohort study of electronic health record data from 180 transgender patients aged 12-29 years seen between 2002 and 2011 at a Boston-based community health center was performed.
Elsevier, Journal of Adolescent Health, Volume 56, 1 March 2015
Purpose The mental health and victimization of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and questioning (LGBTQ) youth have garnered media attention with the "It Gets Better Project." Despite this popular interest, there is an absence of empirical evidence evaluating a possible developmental trajectory in LGBTQ distress and the factors that might influence distress over time.

International Journal of Educational Development, Volume 41, 1 March 2015

This article ties to SDG 3 & 4. This article explores the role of schools in supporting unaccompanied young refugees in critical psychosocial transitions concerning processes of socialisation, integration and rehabilitation upon resettlement.

International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences (Second Edition), 2015, Pages 765-770.

This paper aligns with SDG 10 (reduced inequalities), exploring theoretical insights surrounding Queer Theory.
Elsevier, World Development, Volume 66, February 01, 2015
Serious questions remain about the ability of NGOs to meet long-term transformative goals in their work for development and social justice. We investigate how, given their weak roots in civil society and the rising tide of technocracy that has swept through the world of foreign aid, most NGOs remain poorly placed to influence the real drivers of social change.
Elsevier, Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, Volume 201, February 05, 2015
One mechanism by which land use change influences biodiversity and ecological processes is through changes in the local climate. Here, the relationships between leaf area index and five climate variables - air temperature, relative humidity, vapour pressure deficit, specific humidity and soil temperature - are investigated across a range of land use types in Borneo, including primary tropical forest, logged forest and oil palm plantation.
Elsevier, Food Research International, Volume 68, February 01, 2015
A changing climate alters the living conditions for almost every species on earth. We recognise that these changes may threaten our environment, our water and food supply, and our health; predicting the likely changes and impacts we try to prepare for different weather conditions. A complicated and perhaps underestimated threat is how climate change may affect foodborne parasites - a subject that tends to be neglected among infectious diseases under any climatic conditions.
