

Plant Science, Volume 328, March 2023, 111572

Haloxylon ammodendron is a xerohalophytic shrub from deserts of Asia that can survive at very low soil water content. In this study, the authors provided evidence that the transcription factor HaASR2 plays a critical role in plant adaptation to drought and salt stress and, therefore, could represent a promising gene for the improvement of crop in arid environments.

Hygiene and Environmental Health Advances, Volume 4, December 2022

The study concludes that power outages disproportionately impact urbanized areas and highlights the intersectionality of health risks and urban resilience, pertinent to both Sustainable Development Goal 3 (Good Health and Well-being) and SDG 11 (Sustainable Cities and Communities).

Behavior Therapy,

This article ties to SDG 3. A systematic review and meta-analysis was conducted evaluating stepped care prevention (i.e., targeting those with recent trauma exposure at risk of developing PTSD) and treatment approaches for adults and adolescents/children with PTSD.
Elsevier, Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Volume 128, December 2022
Using Health personal protective equipment (PPE) such as face masks, safety foot shoes and protective suits has expanded dramatically due to COVID-19 pandemic leading to a widespread distribution of the PPE, particularly the face masks, in the environments including streets, dump sites, seashores and other risky locations. The environmental degradation of polypropylene, the essential plastic component in single-use face masks (SUM), takes between 20 and 30 years and thus it is essential to develop experimental approaches to recycle the polypropylene or to reuse it in different ways.

Current Developments in Nutrition,
ISSN 2475-2991

This editorial to the collection examines the construct of participation, how it is defined, measured, and integrated into all stages of nutrition research projects and programs and how it influences intervention outcomes.
Hematoxylin and eosin (HE), PAS, and immunohistochemical staining for AQP5, CK14, α-SMA, CK19, and PCNA in the SMG of Id4+/+ (n = 3–5) and Id4−/− mice (n = 3–6) at P21.

Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Molecular Cell Research,
Volume 1870, Issue 2,

Id4 expression is drastically reduced in the salivary glands of IgG4-RD patients. It s essential for the morphological and functional homeostasis in salivary glands.

Measurement: Sensors, Volume 25, February 2023, 100650

The research seeks to estimate biogas production potential from livestock and slaughterhouse wastes in Ghana, in order to promote biogas technology as a possible alternative in the search for sustainable energy management methods and in support of the SDG goals.

iScience, Volume 26, Issue 1, 20 January 2023, 105734

This paper shows that although climate policies can sometimes slow the pace of economic growth, in the long term the benefits of avoided climate change impacts will overweight policy costs

Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry,

This article ties to SDG 3. This systematic review examined 2 decades of questionnaires used to assess emotion (dys)regulation in children and adolescents to be able to guide appropriate selection of measurement tools for assessing specific domains of child and adolescent emotion dysregulation in the future.

Journal of Psychiatric Research,
Volume 157,

This article ties to SDG 3. This study investigated main influencing factors and neurobiochemical biomarkers of Acute Stress Disorder (ASD) in trauma patients with a purpose of early clinical identification and intervention.
