Viral Infections and Antiviral Therapies
2023, Pages 85-98
Most sexually transmitted viral infections are incurable and have consequences ranging from mild to severe. Genital warts and HPV infections are oncogenic with special reference to cervical carcinoma. Hepatitis A is a self-limiting disease. However, HBV and HCV infections can cause chronic infection of the liver which culminates in extreme suffering and death. Pregnant mothers with viral STIs transmit the infection to their newborns. Because prevention is the ultimate goal, health personnel at all levels must be knowledgeable about the prevention and treatment options for the STIs so that they can help in developing educational programs and patient education literature at mass level [2]. They also must provide efficient and sensitive counseling about prevention and treatment of various viral STIs at all levels of a healthcare service. It may be noted that simultaneous availability of new and effective preventive and therapeutic interventions like vaccines, effective microbicides, etc. render behavioral disinhibition, lack of adherence, and above all some degree of complacency among the people [1]. All these must be taken care of during the process of control and containment of viral STIs, strongly highlighting the principle of "Prevention is Better than Cure" as propagated by the Dutch philosopher Desiderius Erasmus
Viral Infections and Antiviral Therapies, 2023, Pages 85-98
Neuroimaging in Parkinson' s Disease and Related Disorders
2023, Pages 355-397
Encyclopedia of Forensic Sciences, Third Edition, Volume 2, 2023, Pages 482-492
Research Ethics in Behavior Analysis: From Laboratory to Clinic and Classroom, 2023, Pages 63-86
Plants and their Interaction to Environmental Pollution: Damage Detection, Adaptation, Tolerance, Physiological and Molecular Responses, Volume 1, 1 January 2022
Clinics in Liver Disease, Volume 26, Issue 4, November 2022, Pages 571-582
Maternal Cardiac Care
A Guide to Managing Pregnant Women with Heart Disease
2023, Pages 78-82