Book chapters


Advances in Social Psychology, 2018, Pages 71-125

This chapter addresses SDG5, SDG10, and SDG16 by examining inequality through the lense of individuals' positions of advantage or disadvantage of a social hierarchy and how that influences their propensity toward agency and communion.

Sexual Assault Risk Reduction and Resistance: Theory, Research, and Practice, 2018, Pages 175-193

Researchers have found a variety of effective treatments for individuals with sexual assault histories, particularly for those presenting with posttraumatic stress disorder, depending on their mental health presentations. However, many individuals may not be aware of these resources. Contributing to SDGs 3 and 5, this chapter discusses how sexual assault risk reduction and resistance education programming is an excellent setting to provide individuals with these resources for themselves or to share with friends and/or family.

Sexual Assault Risk Reduction and Resistance: Theory, Research, and Practice, 2018, Pages 245-289

Three different programs designed to increase women’s ability to recognize, avoid, and resist sexual assault have demonstrated success in reducing sexual violence in college populations.Contributing to SDGs 3 and 5, this chapter describes and analyses these three programs (the Ohio University Sexual Assault Risk Reduction Program, the Enhanced Assess, Acknowledge, Act Sexual Assault Resistance Program, and the Self-Defense from the Inside Out program).

Understanding Uniqueness and Diversity in Child and Adolescent Mental Health, 2018, Pages 115-134

This chapter addresses Goal 3 by discussing anxiety disorders in young people from a cross-cultural perspective.

Understanding Uniqueness and Diversity in Child and Adolescent Mental Health, 2018, Pages 263-287

This chapter addresses Goal 3 by exploring the use of telepsychiatry to make child and adolescent mental health care more accessible in low-and middle-income countries.

Better Living with Dementia, Implications for Individuals, Families, Communities, and Societies, 2018, Pages 247-264

This chapter addresses goal 3 by discussing the transformative actions that need to occur at each level of our social ecological model to support or result in comprehensive dementia care.

Understanding Uniqueness and Diversity in Child and Adolescent Mental Health, 2018, Pages 195-222

This chapter supports SDGs 3 and 16 by exploring tools for diagnosis, crisis management, and psychotherapy for child and adolescent refugees.

Psychology and Climate Change, 2018, Pages 95-124

This book chapter advances SDGs 10 and 13 by explaining how current psychological perspectives on social identity, identity-based motivation, and belonging help shape public engagement and identify key social psychological processes that may contribute to persistent and substantial disparities in the environmental sector.

FinTech and the Remaking of Financial Institutions, 2018, Pages 315-330

This chapter advances goals 3, 5 and 8 by examining how to balance a need for strong incentives for start-up innovation with the resulting increased inequality of incomes.

EEG-Based Diagnosis of Alzheimer Disease, A Review and Novel Approaches for Feature Extraction and Classification Techniques, 2018, Pages 61-71

This chapter addresses goal 3 by discussing the application of machine learning algorithms to EEG datasets in Alzheimer's disease.
