This article aligns with the SDG goal 3 of Good health and wellbeing, SDG 10 Reduced inequalities, and SDG 12 Responsible consumption and production by proposing Choosing wisely recommendations to help general practitioners adopt a more rational and cost-effective approach to treating patients with viral hepatitis in Brazil and Latin America.
This Editorial sharing the experiences of a Radiology Department-led Racial and Socal Justice Book Club supports SDGs 10 and 8 by describing the ways they made an intentional effort to normalize discussions about racial and social (in)justice and examine everything through an anti-racist lens.
How adapting math instruction for those with learning disabilities can allow them to increase their understanding of mathematics. Supports SDGs 4 and 10.

Journal of Responsible Technology, Volume 12, December 2022, 100048

An investigation, linking particularly well to SDGs 10 and 5 focusing on equality, which shows how researchers can actively engage with equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) in their work, and how EDI considerations must remain an ongoing effort. The authors, working in the field of responsible research and innovation (RRI), intentionally employed EDI in their project recruitment, and reflect here on the adjustments they made as a result. The recruitment of persons with disabilities led to some particularly interesting and new insights in this study looking at trustworthiness in the design of autonomous systems with evolving functionality.

Journal of Advanced Research, Volume 40, September 2022

A promising gene therapy called anti-tau ASO shows potential in lowering harmful tau protein linked to Alzheimer's disease.
An Article showing the beneficial impact of lifestyle interventions on weight loss and weight maintenance among the Pasifika community, in the context of SDG 3 and 10.
Different lines of research have argued that specific groups, such as boys or ethnic minorities, are more prone to develop an anti-school culture than others, leading to group differences in the socia
This study shows that TB progression risk is higher in native Peruvians, and the conclusions support including more diverse populations in genomic studies to provide better targeted healthcare in indigenous populations.

Women's Studies International Forum, Volume 93, 1 July 2022

A discussion of the use of law to protect women against violence.

The Lancet Planetary Health, Volume 6, July 2022

This Viewpoint supports SDGs 7 and 10 by reviewing climate mitigation scenarios in the context of energy inequalities between the Global North and the Global South. The authors conclude that existing mitigation scenarios exacerbate inequalities and increase climate risk in the Global South.
