Correspondence on the factors behind low COVID-19 immunisation coverage among marginalised communities in Latin America and the Caribbean, in the context of SDGs 3 and 10, highlighting the need to consider the specific circumstances of Indigenous communities in the development of national COVID-19 immunisation campaigns.
An article on the detrimental effects of COVID-19 isolation on the cognitive and mental health of people with dementia, in the context of SDGs 3 and 10, highlighting the need for guidance that balances infection control measures with principles of non-maleficence to appropriately care for this patient group.
The chapter advances SDGs 3 and 10 by exploring the barriers that historically marginalized communities experience as a result of disproportionate policing, safety and security issues, and neighborhood othering and belonging. It concludes by making the case for why transportation planners must consider race and racism explanatory factors in travel and why race-neutral planning processes exacerbate disparities.
UK mechanisms touching on sustainable development are generally based on, and have as their over-arching objective, some variation of the so-called “Brundtland definition”. These mechanisms also widely reference the three interconnected ‘pillars’ of sustainable development, also known as the ‘triple bottom line’ of sustainable development. The UK approach has a bearing on all SDGs and in particular, SDGs 9, 10 and 13.
Objectives: This study explored midwives' and Jordanian and Syrian women's perceptions towards family planning (FP) counseling and the process of FP decision making mechanism to provide evidence for e

Epigenetics in Psychiatry (Second Edition) 2021, Pages 489-517

This book chapter advances SDG3 Good Health and Wellbeing and SDG 10 Reducing Inequalities by reviewing the research that has led to a greater understanding of how disruption of epigenetic regulation leads to cognitive deficits that are associated with intellectual disabilites.
The review examined the potential of renewable and non-renewable energy resources and the current state of exploitation in Kenya.
This book chapter advances SDG3 Good Health and Wellbeing and SDG10 Reducing Inequalities by showing how patients with disorders of the central nervous system are unique in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Lancet Global Health, Volume 9, August 2021

This Comment article supports SDGs 3 and 10; Bolajoko Olusanya reflects on her personal experiences with discrimination in her various engagements in global health as a Black African woman with a congenital disability, particularly in the aftermath of George Floyd's death.
Water is essential for the life, but many people lack the accessibility to clean and healthy drinking water and die as a consequence of water-borne infections.
