This book chapter advances SDG #3 and #10 by reviewing studies that showed treatments with multiple sessions of rTMS can influence cognition in people with neurodegenerative diseases. The chapter also considers novel therapeutic approaches based on the clinical use of rTMS.
In December 2021 RELX held Responsible Supplier Sessions exploring themes including living wage, accessibility and modern slavery prevention. This information is particularly relevant to SDGs 8, 10 and 12.

The COVID-19 Response: The Vital Role of the Public Health Professional, 2023, Pages 143-154

This chapter advances the UN SDG Goal 3: Good Health and Goal 10: Reduced Inequalities by examining the role of social determinants and racism in COVID's inequitable impacts, the burnout of the workforce, and the politicization of the response as major factors that will influence the future of the public health system.
This Study explores the racial disparities that exist in the emergency departments of 4 hospitals, when they are most prevalent, and how patients' sociodemographic characterstics impact image acquisition time, raising awareness for SDGs 3, 9 and 10.
This Study supports SDGs 3 and 10, illuminating the substantial racial disparities in men and women diagnosed with colorectal cancer and the impact these disparities have on treatment and outcomes.
This article aligns with the SDG goal 3 of good health and wellbeing and SDG 10 Reduced inequalities by showing the importance of continuing screening for hepatitis and early detection of liver damage, especially in high-risk population groups.
Purpose: In this study, we identify and characterise how organisations have responded, in ways ranging from restoration to radical change, to discontinuities in their product-based service (PBS) suppl
Mobility as a Service (MaaS) is a recent concept that is gaining momentum in both the scientific world and the private sector.

Not Just Bad Kids, The Adversity and Disruptive Behavior Link 2022, Pages 569-594

This chapter advances SDGs 3, 4, and 10 by exploring topics with emphasis on the benefits and challenges of talking with youth about race and identity, strategies for coping, and ways that we can help promote racial healing in ourselves and our communities.

Journal of Responsible Technology, Volume 9, April 2022, 100024

A study of the risks from emerging technologies, such as artificial intelligence, and their disproportionate impact on particularly vulnerable individuals or groups in a community. The authors identify and map types of harms or injustices experienced in the digital space to understand how they are translated into rights violations by adjudicative bodies. Racial structural injustice is one aspect of the research.
