This chapter advances UN SDG goal 12 and 13 by providing an overview and introduction to NETs
This chapter advances UN SDG goals 12 and 13 by providing a historical perspective of the warming effect of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, describes our growing understanding of climate change, the parallel development of Earth-system modeling capabilities, the Paris Agreement and the need to transition to nonfossil energy and the decarbonization of the global economy
Solar panels in a field
Recognising our customers' exceptional work to achieve the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals
animal welfare day

World Animal Welfare Day: Embracing Sustainable Development Goals and Resources

This paper explores perceived barriers and enablers for engagement in a new aquaculture activity, using an example of ‘technology-push’ towards seaweed farming in coastal villages in Samoa.

Handbook of Food and Feed from Microalgae: Production, Application, Regulation, and Sustainability, 2023, pp 603-610

This chapter aligns with Goal 2: Zero Hunger and Goal 12: Responsible Consumption by exploring the energy and water consumption needs of microalgal production for food production to determine whether microalgae can be considered a sustainable food.
To mark the 50th Anniversary of World Environment Day on 5 June 2023, Elsevier proudly presents a curated list of publicly available journal articles and book chapters in support of this year's theme “Solutions to Plastics Pollution”. Please share and download.
A critical reflection on fisheries conservation in the Mekong River is offered here. Adaptive co-management helped balance conservation and livelihood outcomes. No-take zones facilitated basic fish conservation measures led by local fishermen. Fishermen perceiving livelihood benefits of conservation supported no-take zones. Long-term mechanisms to support community-led conservation initiatives are needed.

Precision Agriculture: Evolution, Insights and Emerging Trends, 2023, pp 85-101

This chapter aligns with Goal 3: Good Health and Wellbeing, Goal 12: Responsible Consumption, and Goal 15: Life on Land by acknowledging how the conservation of water resources is imperative to the continued sustainability of life, particularly in arid regions. By utilizing resources in a highly managed, efficient and targeted way for agricultural purposes there is less lost to waste.
RX, a RELX business, has published the RX Sustainability Playbook to support event and operations teams in making more sustainable choices when planning conferences and events. This resource is useful for anyone looking reduce the carbon footprint and waste in their events and is related to SDGs 12 and 13.
