The article underscores the need to reform the health claim evaluation process for foods by adopting a holistic approach that integrates multiple nutritional and contaminant attributes. This approach should involve cumulative risk assessment and risk-benefit analysis to provide a more accurate picture of food's health impacts. Such reforms align with global sustainability goals and would help address the complexities of modern food systems, ultimately promoting better health outcomes and environmental stewardship.
The primary outcome of our work is the strong evidence that flood hazards are related to the structural setting of the basin, which includes topography and geology, while the transition of flood hazards into disasters is mainly because of unplanned urbanization.

World Environment Day on June 5 is the biggest international day for the environment.

By depleting soil nutrients, soil degradation (SD) threatens agricultural production and population growth in the Guinea savanna of Ghana. Awoonor et al., 2024 used multivariate statistical techniques on samples collected by using the Land Degradation Surveillance Framework (LDSF) to identify key SD processes, assess soil properties, and propose monitoring strategies. The authors highlight the need for integrated soil fertility management strategies, such as applying organic and inorganic fertilizers, to increase soil nutrient availability and promote sustainable agricultural practices.
The study investigates the cost of nutritionally adequate and low-GHGE diets in Finland, using optimization models. Minimum cost diets significantly reduce carbon footprints and expenses but lack diversity and cultural acceptability. The culturally acceptable diets, while slightly cheaper and with lower climate impact than current diets, highlight that affordability isn't the main barrier; cultural acceptability is. Reducing GHGE further decreases diet costs. The study concludes that sustainable dietary changes should focus on taste, convenience, and social norms alongside nutrition and affordability.
This study supports SDG 3 and 13 by showing that human activities will amplify future heat-related cardiovascular mortality burden, highlighting the significance of limiting greenhouse gas emissions and further warming of the planet.
The paper explores maritime environmental regulations, analyzing industry perspectives and their operational execution.
This One Earth Research Article documents how (mostly) European cities are planning to adapt to increasing heat risk due to climate change (SDG 13 & 11).
This One Earth Commentary discusses how policy makers could accelerate social change towards climate action (SDG 13) in their cities and communities (SDG 11) by reducing early inertia.

Hydroclimatic Extremes in the Middle East and North Africa Assessment, Attribution and Socioeconomic Impacts, 2024, Pages 343-366

This chapter ties into Sustainable Development Goal 13: Climate Action by emphasizing the need for adaptation strategies in response to significant climate changes.
