
Sanjay Mavinkere Rangappa, Madhu Puttegowda, Jyotishkumar Parameswaranpillai, Suchart Siengchin, Togay Ozbakkaloglu, Hao Wang, Chapter 1 - Introduction to plant fibers and their composites, Editor(s): Sanjay Mavinkere Rangappa, Jyotishkumar Parameswaranpillai, Suchart Siengchin, Togay Ozbakkaloglu, Hao Wang, In The Textile Institute Book Series, Plant Fibers, their Composites, and Applications, Woodhead Publishing, 2022, Pages 1-24, ISBN 9780128245286, https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-824528-6.00006-0.

This chapter advances UN SDG goal 12 by ensuring sustainable consumption and production patterns
Area of forest burned in Canada from 1986 to 2015. Orange colour shows burned area.
This is an article on the impact of residential exposure to wildfires and the incidence of various cancers, in the context of SDGs 3, 13, and 15, focusing on the need to develop exposure metrics to better estimate the chronic population health burden attributable to environmental pollutants emitted during wildfires.
Scale of law made of plants
ISO14001, an internationally accepted standard that defines the requirements for establishing, implementing and operating an environmental management system (EMS), was updated in 2015 to have a greater focus on leadership, the context in which a company operates, as well as how the company will demonstrate legal compliance. This article is related to SDG #13, Climate Action, and SDG #16, Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions, as it demonstrates the important influence of a strong rule of law on managing the environmental impact of business.

Miguel Amado, Francesca Poggi, Chapter 1 - Cities Evolution, Editor(s): Miguel Amado, Francesca Poggi, Sustainable Energy Transition for Cities, Elsevier, 2022, Pages 1-17, ISBN 9780128242773, https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-824277-3.00002-5. 

This chapter advances UN SDG goals 11, 13, and 7 by discussing the Smart City potential for contributing to the reduction of external dependence on fossil fuels and the promotion of renewable energy sources and the mitigation of environmental impacts and effects of climate change.
Elsevier, Digital Signal Processing: A Review Journal, Volume 123, 30 April 2022
With the continuous development of human society, people's over-exploitation of nature leads to frequent environmental problems.
The plastic sector is hard to decarbonize due to the widespread use of fossil energy as raw materials and the complex value chains rooted across global markets. This Review article takes a synthesis of existing literature and discusses potential and challenges in deep decarbonizing the global plastic sector via the aspects of technology and governance.
Milk alternatives are compared from an environmental and nutritional point of view for more sustainable food systems.
This Review supports SDGs 3 and 6, focusing on the complex ways that multiple factors interact during droughts to influence HIV treatment adherence. The authors suggest that economic and livelihood challenges resulting from food and water insecurity during droughts have the biggest impact on adherence.
Background: Human impacts on earth-system processes are overshooting several planetary boundaries, driving a crisis of ecological breakdown.
Spatial resolution of the geographical information system-based model

Background: Increasing air conditioner use for cooling indoor spaces has the potential to be a primary driver of global greenhouse gas emissions.
