A compilation of good practices gathered from desktop research or submitted by UN Global Compact participants in response to a call to share actions and initiatives that their companies are undertaking to respect and support children’s rights, focusing on Goal 4 and Goal 8.
This chapter advances SDG 4, 5, and 10 by exploring the known reasons why African-Americans do not pursue or persist in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) disciplines in general and in computing sciences in particular.
This article ties to SDG 3 & 4. In this Review, evidence for mental health interventions in schools in accordance with a public mental health approach spanning promotion, prevention, and treatment was provided.
This article ties to SDG 3 &4. In this Review on school-based mental health interventions and services in high-income countries the aim was to contextualise and identify key areas for consideration and development of school-based mental health interventions and services.

This report, a partnership between Elsevier and the World Bank, examines and compares the research enterprise of sub-Saharan Africa from 2003 and 2013, with a special emphasis on research in STEM. This analysis provides valuable insights that help to advance SDG 4 Quality education and SDG 10 Reduced inequalities.
Improving Library Services to People with Disabilities, Chandos Information Professional Series, 2007, Pages 65-86
To maximize potential, people must have lifelong access to the information and services offered through books and libraries. Whether to address concerns of an ageing population or to enable all citizens to contribute fully through meaningful education and work opportunities, more emphasis is being given to promoting library services to people who have disabilities. This content addresses SDGs 4 and 10 by focusing on serving adults with disabilities in an international setting allowing librarians, policy makers and constituents to understand the importance of serving all potential patrons.
This article ties to SDG 3 &4. This study describes the effects of a universal, teacher-based preventive intervention implemented with Israeli students before the rocket attacks that occurred during Operation Cast Lead, compared with a nonintervention but exposed control group.
Improving Library Services to People with Disabilities, Chandos Information Professional Series, 2007, Pages 1-20
To maximize potential, people must have lifelong access to the information and services offered through books and libraries. Whether to address concerns of an ageing population or to enable all citizens to contribute fully through meaningful education and work opportunities, more emphasis is being given to promoting library services to people who have disabilities. This chapter addresses SDG 4 as librarians, policy makers and constituents will gain an understanding of the importance of serving all potential patrons.
This article contributes to SDG 10 (reduced inequalities), SDG 4 (quality education) and SDG 3 (good health and well-being). Research examines the link between victimization at school and health risk behaviours using representative data comparing lesbian, gay, and bisexual (LGB) youths and heterosexual youths.