The results of this research suggest that social support and sleep quality are important factors mediating the relationship between sedentary behavior and negative emotions in adolescents during a COVID-19-related home confinement in Shenzhen.
The goal of this article is to offer relevant support to midwives working with First Nations families.
This article aims to identify and break barriers in order to implement the best care for First Nations' mothers.
Dismantling racism in health care demands that medical education promote racial justice throughout all stages of medical training. The development of any anti-racism curriculum in medicine requires the ability to identify racial bias in practices we have not previously recognized as explicitly racist or unjust.
Microplastics are plastic pieces smaller than 5 mm in size. They are considered emerging contaminants due to their toxic effect on living organisms.

Climate justice and health education can address the disproportionate health impacts of climate change on minoritized communities by providing frameworks to build awareness and instigate action on climate-related health inequities.
This paper focuses on raising awareness of disability among Saudi university graduates.
This article ties to SDG 3 & 4. The present study adapted and assessed the efficacy of a brief psychological group intervention, the STAR program: Strengths, Transitions, Adjustments and Resilience for university students who are Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs).The present study adapted and assessed the efficacy of a brief psychological group intervention, the STAR program: Strengths, Transitions, Adjustments and Resilience for university students who are Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs).
This article ties to SDG 3 & 4. This study tests whether intolerance of uncertainty changes with participation in improvisational theater class, and whether that change can explain changes in social anxiety.
Negative attitudes toward mental illness and treatment are attributed to a lack of or inaccurate mental health knowledge.