Elsevier, IFAC Journal of Systems and Control, Volume 19, March 2022
The optimal control of a water reservoir system represents a challenging problem, due to uncertain hydrologic inputs and the need to adapt to changing environment and varying control objectives.
Background: A few studies have reported an increased risk of birth defects (BD) with maternal exposure to nitrate in drinking water.

Background: Numerous studies have quantified the associations between ambient temperature and enteric infections, particularly all-cause enteric infections.

A good paper looking into water quality in Kenya and how water companies needs to improve on the water quality chemically by adjusting the Calcium and Alkalinity concentration
This Primer discusses the current status, gaps and guture needs of freshwater monitoring programs, towards preserving ecosystem functioning and our own health.
To address the dual challenges of water scarcity and global climate change mitigation goals, China has committed to carbon neutrality by 2060 combined with strict water use restrictions. Modeling suggests that transitioning to carbon neutrality will potentially reduce industrial water use by a quarter in China.
This article contributes to research on public policy and water sanitation.
Figure illustrating the intervention delivery and data collection timeline.
This study supports SDGs 3 and 6 by investigating a low-cost behavioural intervention designed to increase latrine use and safe disposal of child faeces in India. The study found the intervention modestly increased latrine use and markedly increased safe disposal of child faeces in the short term, but was unlikely to reduce exposure to pathogens to a level necessary to achieve health gains.
