Possible but rare: Safe and just satisfaction of national human needs in terms of ecosystem services
One Earth, Volume 6, 21 April 2023

The authors investigate a countries ability to provide adequate food, energy, and water, without exceeding nature's carrying capacity. They show that 67% of nations are operating within a safe space for water provision.
Instresting paper on Mediterranean river microplastic pollution
This study is a long-term monitoring study in which inter-seasonal relations are established. Thus, the spread of MP pollution in the region during the year was provided by an important bio-indicator.
This study provides significant information on the occurrence and composition of MPs in the Tampico beach, in addition, we compared the abundance of MPs of this study with similar studies from different parts of the world.
This Viewpoint supports SDGs 3 and 6, focusing on the rapid spread of Aedes and Anopheles stephensi mosquitoes and the associated transmission of disease, particularly in urban environments
This Article supports SDG 3s and 6 by presenting global comprehensive estimates of deaths associated with 33 bacterial pathogens across 11 major infectious syndromes, many of which could be prevented by improved access to safe drinking water and sanitation facilities.
This Article supports SDGs 3 and 6 by showing that the integration of a health education package for for the promotion of correct hygiene and sanitation practices into the school curriculum is an affordable and scalable approach to respond to the burden of soil-transmitted helminth infection among schoolchildren in the Philippines.
This Commentary directly addresses the most pressing challenges of World Water Day by tackling the presistence of water-, sanitation- and hygiene-related diseases and what needs to be done to address these challenges.
In this Voices panel, 7 global experts discuss the challenges of wastewater management and what is needed to transition wastewater into useable water.
Gilbert Houngbo is the chair of UN-Water and president of International Fund for Agricultural Development. In this Q&A, he discusses global progress and remaining challenges to achieving clean water for all.