

International Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology,
Volume 23, Issue 2,
ISSN 1697-2600

The current study contributes to previous knowledge by clarifying how Covid-19 fears lead to somatic problems in the general population. Beyond direct relations, support a process where rumination mediates between fear and psychological distress, and psychological distress in turn leads to somatic problems. This process reveals a plausible mechanism in the somatization of health problems during the Covid-19 pandemic.
This Article supports SDGs 3 and 16 by assessing whether ethnicity influences the risk of out of hospital cardiac arrest in immigrants in Denmark. The authors emphasise that identifying ethnic disparities is important to understand and prevent out of hospital cardiac arrests and to reduce inequalities.

Shunlin Liang and Jindi Wang; Advanced Remote Sensing (Second Edition), 2020, Pages 765-787

This chapter contributes to SDG 6 and 9 by providing satellite techniques to monitor water storage in the Earth's cycle.
This article ties to SDG 3. It outlines some of the epidemiology of the consequences of war, the mental health sequelae specifically, and the complexity of providing culturally and contextually relevant interventions that meet the needs of children.
This article ties to SDG 3. The aim of this systematic review is both to summarize findings regarding the prevalence of mental health disorders among unaccompanied refugee minors (URM) in European countries since the last available systematic review (October 2017), and to describe associated risk factors.
This Article supports SDGs 3 and 10, examining the mortality risk for people aged 25-44 years with disability, and shows that the risk increases with different types and severities of disability and is particiularly associated with mental health problems and motor impairment

Vacunas (English Edition),
Volume 23, Issue 3,
Pages 174-182,
ISSN 2445-1460

The study shows that, despite most of the professional groups’ high level of knowledge about the study object and their high awareness of the importance of the vaccine as a preventive tool, the role of the healthcare workers as transmitters of infection is less recognised as a reason for vaccination.
This article ties to SDG 3. In this article, a system innovation perspective was used to examine the factors influencing the potential for scaling up a task-sharing psychological intervention for refugees called ‘Problem Management Plus’ (PM+) in the Netherlands.
This Article supports SDG3 by evaluating whether planned improvements in care equity for hip replacements in England and Wales have been successful.
How serious is the pollution in the Mediterranean area by mircoplastics? This review paper analyzes the abundance, the marine contamination, and accumulation of mircoplastics in the Mediterranean basin. Also the impacts on the economic and environmental sector, and effects by country on general health and marine life.
