

Decision Making in Gastroenterology, 2025, Pages 80-81

This content aligns with Goal 3: Good Health. WHO helps to fight addictions to prevent chronic diseases.
Image of water with World Water Day Special Collection title

Every year, World Water Day raises awareness and inspires action to tackle the water and sanitation crisis.  To mark World Water Day 2024, Elsevier has curated a free special collection of journal articles and book chapters.  This year’s theme for World Water Day is Water for Peace.  Discover research relating to clean water and sanitation from across a broad range of disciplines including the effects of racism, social exclusion, and discrimination on achieving universal safe water and sanitation in high-income countries and challenges faced by developing economics to mitigate the impacts o

To understand how best to help patients and improve health during an epidemic it is necessary to have good modelling techniques and protocols.
Flyer image for the event

Water is essential for life and producing food, energy, minerals, and industrial goods. As planetary populations grow and a changing climate triggers floods, droughts, and other environmental extremes, access to clean water sources becomes increasingly competitive. Inadequate infrastructures, poor resource allocation, and outdated ecological restoration principles compound an already prescient problem. 

This study aimed to assess the effect of exposure to organic pollutants in adults with chronic kidney disease (CKD).

Biological Conservation, Volume 291, March 2024

A perspective article on stress-test, commonly used in the financial sector, applied to biodiversity conservation and global change.

Trends in Immunology, Volume 45, March 2024

Because immune-related genes in humans are genetically closer to bats than mice, dissecting bat biology can catalyze the discovery and understanding of molecular players in human antiviral immunity.
Bats are among the most diverse of all mammalian species and serve as reservoirs of zoonotic viruses responsible for several recent pandemics; new technologies are providing insights into how the unique physiology and lifestyle of bats drive tolerance to virus infection.
WE Empower awardees in a group with Pitch Night host Diane von Furstenberg
Launched in 2018, the WE Empower UN SDG Challenge is a first-of-its-kind global competition for women entrepreneurs who are advancing the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
UGAHacks is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization that has been hosting an annual 48-hour hackathon for almost a decade now. This was the 2nd time HPCC Systems sponsored a challenge and participated in the hackathon held at the University of Georgia. If you want to catch up on our participation in last year’s event, please read the blog: UGA Hacks 8, Hot Wings and Hope for the Future.
