

The Lancet Regional Health - Western Pacific, Volume 48, July 2024

This Article supports SDG 3 by assessing the effectiveness of a hepatitis B model of care in Australia, suggesting that the model, involving primary health care, could be rolled out nationally or internationally. The authors suggest that the model could have positive implications particularly for low-income and middle-income countries.

Annals of Hepatology, Volume 29, 1 July 2024

This study supports SDG 3 by analyzing expenditures on hepatitis B treatments, promoting better health resource management.

The Lancet Regional Health - Americas, Volume 35, July 2024

This Article supports SDG 3 by evaluating a hepatitis B screening programme in which members of the West African community in the Bronx were offered hepatitis B testing when they attended a blood pressure clinic visit following an educational intervention about hypertension. Almost all participants accepted to have hepatitis B screening, showing the effectiveness of its being linked to blood pressure testing.

Australian Critical Care, Volume 37, July 2024

Although Indigenous Australians critically ill with sepsis have similar short and long-term mortality rates, they present to hospital, die in-hospital, and die post-discharge significantly younger. Unique cohort characteristics may explain these outcomes, and assist clinicians, researchers and policy-makers in targeting interventions to these characteristics to best reduce the burden of sepsis in this cohort and improve their healthcare outcomes.

Women and Birth, Volume 37, July 2024

The aim of the paper is to understand the culture around birth and indigenous people. This study aimed to understand First Nations women’s perceptions of placenta burial and a dedicated placenta garden in supporting connection to their culture.

Nexus, Volume 1, Issue 3, September 2024

This paper systematically reviews the current state-of-the-art and future perspectives of AI in battery research and applications for EVs.


iScience, Volume 27, 19 July 2024

In this study, the authors map the projected changes in water availability onto the components of the food-water-energy Nexus at several spatial scales. Resilience thinking acknowledges the different spatial scales at which governance operates, resilience occurs, and Nexus systems function.

Quaternary Environments and Humans, Volume 2, Issue 5, October 2024, 100016

The study of the sedimentary record at the mouth of the Sabarmati River in the Gulf of Khambhat provides insights into how changes in climate, sea level, and sedimentation patterns over the Holocene period impacted the environment and ancient human settlements in the region, which is relevant for understanding climate change and its effects.
