

Nexus, Volume 1, Issue 2, June 2024

This paper provides a detailed review of the physical mechanisms and resonance theories of WPT technology, performance enhancement methods, application scenarios, and future research directions, aiming to provide a comprehensive reference for relevant practitioners and researchers to promote the various applications of WPT technology in modern technology fields.


The Microbe, Volume 3, 2024, 100069, ISSN 2950-1946

The use of integrated production systems is widespread, mainly in tropical areas. This practice could contribute to soil conservation, increasing biodiversity and environmental services while reducing greenhouse gases emissions.

The Microbe, Volume 3, 2024, 100072, ISSN 2950-1946

The most significant threat to environmental components is the alarming increase of micro- and nano- plastics (MNPs) within the ecosystem. Among the several remediation techniques available to date, microbial remediation showed better promise to degrade or sustainably remove MNPs from the environment. Microorganisms have evolved genes that impact changes in plastic pollutants under stable ecophysiological processes that depend on biotic and abiotic elements.

Reproductive BioMedicine Online, Volume 48, April 2024

Supports SDG 3 in describing problems associated with delayed pregnancies and a lack of access to care.

International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health, Volume 257, April 2024

The article emphasizes the importance of providing training and supporting resources alongside open science initiatives to enhance accessibility and reduce barriers in the field. It suggests that these educational resources should be customized to cater to diverse user profiles, including neuroscientists, computational scientists, and educators.

International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health, Volume 257, April 2024

It is important to have scientifically analyzed data to support the policy direction for children's schools, as they are a vulnerable group when it comes to emerging infectious diseases. [hotspot – schools]

The Lancet Regional Health - Southeast Asia, Volume 23, April 2024

This Comment supports SGDs 3 and 10 by discussing how the use of cashless payment systems in India can help to promote equitable access to health care and improve patient experiences, and well as examining some barriers to adoption.

Food Microbiology, Volume 118, April 2024

A reminder that some effective preventatives for the spreading of disease are relatively simple such as good hygiene and efficient washing.

Cancer Letters, Volume 586, 1 April 2024

Cancer disproportionately impacts Black patients in incidence and mortality. Accordingly, optimal anticancer pharmacotherapy is critical to improving outcomes in this population, however, Black patients are less likely to receive anticancer pharmacotherapy.

Trends in Ecology and Evolution, Volume 39, April 2024

As climate is changing ecosystems, how to do alter our goals for conservation
