

One Earth, Volume 7, 19 April 2024

The paper demonstrates that coastal ecosystem restoration leads to increased abundance and diversity of animals, comparable to natural reference sites, underscoring its importance in mitigating biodiversity loss and environmental degradation.

Trends in Ecology and Evolution, Volume 39, April 2024

As climate is changing ecosystems, how to do alter our goals for conservation

Biological Conservation, Volume 292, April 2024

Amphibian rewilding initiatives may provide early indications of ecological health and better contribute to conservation goals, by simultaneously protecting highly endangered species, and promoting ecological stability in these species ecosystems. Authors recommend the rapid (re)introduction of this “forgotten” taxon via the guidelines of trophic rewilding.

Safe and Sustainable Arctic Shipping Management and Development, 2024, Pages 151-160

This chapter advances Goals 13 and 9 by examining the effects of climate change and the relationship with the Arctic based on the perspective of professionals working on climate change and Arctic issues.


This chapter addresses UN SDGs 10, 11, And 15 by discussing the importance of incorporating indigenous knowledge and culture in Arctic development in particular their familiarity with the Artic environment and their ability to manage the natural resources in a sustainable way.


Global Ecology and Conservation, Volume 50, April 2024

This review paper highlights the significance of rewilding using reptiles for the purpose of ecological restoration and it outline the consequences for reptilian rewilding under climate change.

Heliyon, Volume 10, 30 April 2024

This study has provided a spatial view of the temporal trends in gregarization in the CLCPRO countries since 1985.

One Earth, Volume 7, 19 April 2024

The paper highlights the interconnectedness of public health crises, such as pandemics, with biodiversity loss and climate change, as increased demand for materials to combat infectious diseases exacerbates environmental pressures, posing a threat to global sustainability and biodiversity.

The Lancet Planetary Health, Volume 8, April 2024

This Review supports SDGs 3 and 15 by exploring the links between climate change, biodiversity loss, and infectious diseases. The authors focus on the social, political, and financial factors that frame these issues, and suggest that a better understanding of these interactions is needed to drive solutions.

eClinicalMedicine, Volume 70, April 2024

This paper supports SDGs 3 and 15 by examining environmental exposures and risk of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) in early life in a Danish cohort. The study found that increased agricultural land use was associated with a higher risk of Crohn's disease, while increased biodiversity and green space were associated with a lower risk of Crohn's disease. These findings may have implications for IBD prevention.
