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World BankThese dashboards present data from the World Development Indicators (WDI) that help to monitor the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
The eighth official RELX SDG Inspiration Day was held virtually on May 9, 2022. The event gave thought leaders, corporate representatives, investors, governments, and NGOs a common platform to discuss the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goal 16, namely, “Peace, justice and strong institutions”. Several notable keynote speakers and panellists shared their insights on how to achieve this goal and the current challenges that need to be resolved to do so.
RELX SDG Customer Awards aim to recognise RELX customers who share our commitment to driving action in support of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Read more about the 2022 winners.
The 2022 RELX SDG Inspiration Day focused on Goal 16, Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions, and featured outstanding speakers from around the world including Former Secretary General of the United Nations Ban Ki-moon, legendary musician and political activist Sir Bob Geldof, former Austrian President Heinz Fischer, former Director-General UNESCO Irina Bokova, and Co-Founder of Global Citizen Michael Sheldrick.
ISO14001, an internationally accepted standard that defines the requirements for establishing, implementing and operating an environmental management system (EMS), was updated in 2015 to have a greater focus on leadership, the context in which a company operates, as well as how the company will demonstrate legal compliance. This article is related to SDG #13, Climate Action, and SDG #16, Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions, as it demonstrates the important influence of a strong rule of law on managing the environmental impact of business.
Rosnah, born in the depths of the Borneo jungle, held a copy of her birth certificate in her hands. Aged 16, she had attended local school classes but was unable to take exams because she couldn’t prove her identity. Her life changed with a basic legal document most of us take for granted. In April 2019, LexisNexis helped bring Rosnah under the protection of the rule of law through its work with a local mobile court initiative.
Human Rights Day is observed every year on 10 December — the day the United Nations General Assembly adopted, in 1948, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR).
This chapter supports SDGS 3, 5 and 16 by explaining the role of psychological science and research in the training and development of law enforcement, in order to improve responses to cases of intimate partner violence (IPV).
Read the story behind eyeWitness to Atrocities, an app developed by the International Bar Association (IBA) and LexisNexis Legal & Professional, which helps bring war criminals to justice. It’s the first app that collects, verifies, catalogues and protects images so that they can be used as evidence in a court of law while helping protect the individuals who have been brave enough to take the photos or videos.