

Principles and Application of Evidence-based Public Health Practice

2024, Pages 101-125

Public policy and linked social action must address the structural or intermediary social determinants of health. Though policy decisions or reform is one of the social action approaches, the programmatic, regulatory, and community development approaches need to be efficiently used. The COVID-19 pandemic expedited and facilitated collaboration with people outside the health sector. Such established and better-performing collaborations and social actions need continuation and expansion to other areas for better health and well-being. The national and subnational multisectoral action plan and its effective implementation can facilitate the “Health in All Policies” and address most of the social determinants of health.
This Article supports SDG 3 by showing that men who have sex with men (MSM) in Africa remain highly vulnerable to HIV acquisition and HIV-related mortality and morbidity, undermining the Global AIDS Strategy to end AIDS; realising the UNAIDS 95-95-95 targets and reducing disparities in HIV incidence requires urgent efforts to strengthen community-led prevention efforts.
This Article supports SDG 3 by highlighting the effectiveness of a new, multilevel service delivery model, including interventions at patient, provider, and clinic levels, that improves the virological outcomes of adolescents and young adults living with HIV, generalisable to the current treatment context in rural sub-Saharan Africa.
Choropleth map displaying HIV Prevalence spread across Nigeria.
Population-based surveys are expensive and time consuming. By determining state-level seropositivity using national testing service data and a Bayesian linear model, a map of HIV prevalence was generated across the whole of Nigeria. By identifying the areas in which HIV is most prevalent interventions can be targeted. This less resource intense Bayseian method allows for national monitoring of HIV prevalence.
Ongoing attention must be paid to these psychological dimensions for migrants and refugees, as well as further research, de-stigmatization, and education of governments and other stakeholders during the Compacts' implementation, review, and follow-up period, supporting SDG3.
Food-related illnesses are very common and this study reminds us of the importance of maintaining food hygiene standards to improve human health.
This paper explores the assess to antiretroviral therapy and its associated factors among patients accessing treatment at Health centers in Ethiopia.
This study analysis four wetland technologies for treating greywater according to regulatory standards.
Distribution of avertable infections over 10 years across model runs in each population group through removing all barriers to use for all prevention methods
This Article supports SDG 3 by seeking to understand barriers to uptake of HIV-preventive measures, by using a mathematical model simulating the HIV prevention cascade and HIV transmission. The study provides insights into the degree to which these barriers impede effectiveness of these measures and the degree to which they could be mitigated by interventions.
This article advances SDG # 3, 8, 10, 13 and 16. The study from authors in Ghana detail the effects of climate change on workers’ health and productivity, especially those in lower income jobs and without policy or regulatory protections. It demonstrates that climate change affects both health and ability to work, with potentially serious humanitarian and economic consequences.
