This study proposes a deep learning model based on a convolutional neural network, which can effectively fuse atmospheric information (wind field) and station water level information and can effectively forecast the station water level and also have a good response to the anomalous water level increase brought by storm surge.
Before we were agriculturalists we got all our food by hunting, gathering and fishing. But what did this look like?
This study contributes to Goal 15 - Life on Land because it shows that tree growth to temperature change is a combination of short-term plastic and long-term adaptive reactions, and it suggests a limited adaptation to climate warming of trees growing at high altitudes. Such studies remind us that Life on Land as we know it currently will only be possible through conservation of natural ecosystems.
The current review on atmospheric M/NPs is therefore focusing on sampling, sample preparation and identification methods. The approach will enable knowledge gaps to be identified, and recommendations to be made to support standardized and comparable future research
The article describes how to turn waste plastics into high-quality liquid oils by thermal and catalytic pyrolysis.
This study showed that agricultural intensification reduced fungal Shannon diversity and weakened soil multifunctionality, where fungal diversity was the major driver of soil multifunctionality. The Authors suggested that sustaining microbial diversity, especially fungal diversity can reduce the effect of agricultural intensification on soil multifunctionality.
This paper provides 57 site velocity measurements, with interpretation, for the Hatay Triple Junction in the region of the 6 February 2023 M 7.8 Pazarcik earthquake sequence in Southeastern Turkey. Given the significance of this earthquake sequence, and the potential uses for future earthquake predictions, this paper would apply to SDG 15 -Life on land.

iScience Volume 26, Issue 4, 21 April 2023, 106420

The paper discusses the progress of SDGs Life on Land and Life below water over the past decade
The breeding of captive wild species can play a crucial role in their preservation. One major barrier to successful captive breeding is the difficulty of replicating the natural environment. In this study the authors provide suggestions and recommendations to facilitate future breeding efforts for captive jaguars.
This study lookds at how climate change will have a significant impact on the availability of water resources in the upper Blue Nile basin of the Kiltie watershed
