Oceans & Seas

Oceans and seas play a vital role in the context of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as they significantly contribute to the Earth's biosphere's health and the global economy. They are critical to sustaining life on earth, acting as a major source of food and oxygen while also serving as natural carbon sinks that mitigate climate change impacts. SDG 14, "Life Below Water," explicitly acknowledges the importance of conservation and the sustainable use of the world's oceans, seas, and marine resources.

Oceans absorb about 30% of carbon dioxide produced by humans, buffering the impacts of global warming. However, this process has implications such as ocean acidification, negatively impacting marine biodiversity and ecosystems. These impacts, coupled with unsustainable fishing practices and pollution, threaten the health of our oceans and seas. SDG 14 sets targets to prevent and reduce marine pollution of all kinds, sustainably manage and protect marine and coastal ecosystems, and regulate harvesting and end overfishing to restore fish stocks to sustainable levels.

Oceans also support economic wellbeing. Over three billion people depend on marine and coastal biodiversity for their livelihoods. By protecting oceanic ecosystems, the SDGs also support SDG 1, "No Poverty," and SDG 8, "Decent Work and Economic Growth." Furthermore, the oceanic routes are critical for global trade, supporting SDG 9, "Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure."

Furthermore, by implementing strategies for cleaner and more sustainable use of oceans and seas, it can also contribute to SDG 13, "Climate Action." For instance, developing and implementing new technologies to harness energy from waves and tides can promote renewable energy usage and reduce reliance on fossil fuels, aligning with SDG 7, "Affordable and Clean Energy."

The survey presented here was conducted to better understand public perceptions of climate change, human impacts and the value and management of marine and coastal ecosystems.
This chapter aligns with Goal 14: Life Below Water and Goal 6: Clean Water and Sanitation by describing advancements in the use of melt electrospun nanofibers for use in marine oil spill cleanup.
This review will spur more investigations on microplastic ingestion in historical specimens to establish reference points and determine temporal trends for microplastic pollution of the environment.
This chapter aligns with Goal 14: Life Below Water and Goal 9: Industry, innovation and infrastructure by highlighting the biodiversity of marine biofilms in the context of marine infrastructure.
This study is a long-term monitoring study in which inter-seasonal relations are established. Thus, the spread of MP pollution in the region during the year was provided by an important bio-indicator.

Current Opinion in Green and Sustainable Chemistry, Volume 40, April 2023

This review artcile, with contributionsform allover the world, describes various approaches to convert plastic wastes into new products known as an efficient way to manage them and to enhance the sustainability of the environment.
This study provides significant information on the occurrence and composition of MPs in the Tampico beach, in addition, we compared the abundance of MPs of this study with similar studies from different parts of the world.
Earth Day is celebrated annually on April 22nd every year to demonstrate support for environmental protection. The theme for Earth day 2023 is Invest In Our Planet. Elsevier is proud to highlight these freely accessible book chapters and journal articles in honour of this event.
This paper synthesized current knowledge of mesoscale eddies and their impacts on the marine ecosystem across the North Pacific and its marginal Seas, across the CCS region , the northeastern North Pacific and the Bering Sea, the western boundary of the North Pacific and marginal seas, and the extratropical open North Pacific. How climate change will modify mesoscale processes remains a key open challenge.
