

Measurement: Journal of the International Measurement Confederation, Volume 226, 28 February 2024

This paper seeks to contribute to pipeline leakage detection research through collecting and simulating leakage signals under different pressure strengths by combining experiments with numerical simulation. The findings point towards better detection in a real noise environment. Such research is vital in the context of increasing worldwide demand for water and insufficient water supply caused by pipeline leakage.

Kidney International Reports, Volume 9, February 2024

The solvents used during the production of heparin cause air and water pollution. One of the steps to achieve sustainable kidney care is to find a green alternative to heparin.

UN's Summit of the Future 2024

Purpose of the Summit


The Lancet Infectious Diseases, Volume 24, February 2024

Readdressing the narrative surrounding the AIDS epidemic and how the experience of so many vulnerable women were largely ignored during that time.
The latest global prison trends from Penal Reform International suggest that approximately 740 000 women are in prison and that the number is rising in most regions. Neither the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development7 nor the UN definition of vulnerability make explicit reference to human rights of people deprived of their liberty.
This Viewpoint looks at the reasons that females tend to be less likely to be diagnosed with ADHD, are diagnosed later in life, and are less likely to be prescribed medication. It considers potential biological factors including genetic factors, the influence of diagnostic factors such as diagnostic overshadowing, and sociocultural explanations including sex differences in presentation and compensatory behaviour.
This Article supports SDG 5 by showing that women nurses aspiring to become healthcare leaders face multiple barriers, including cultural, professional, organisational, and individual barriers. The findings should help to inform workplace policies that can lessen these barriers.
Proper regulation is essential to ensure that such a system benefited those in need, and that those who provided organs are properly compensated. Without significant policy changes, however, far too many patients will continue to languish on waiting lists until they run out of time. The goal of SDG3 is that everyone should have a good health and well-being.
Large crowd gathered with placards in protest

The Right to Protest: online panel discussion

LexisNexis is hosting a free, online panel discussion in partnership with the International Law Book Facility (ILBF) to explore the right to protest. 

24th January 2024 at 17:00-18:30 GMT

The panel discussion, moderated by James Harper, General Counsel of Global Nexis Solutions - part of LexisNexis, supports the ILBF's law undergraduate essay competition 2023-2024, that asks law undergraduates the question: ‘Should the right to protest be unfettered?

This chapter aligns with SDGs 3 and 6 by examining the relative capacity and capability of developing nations to adapt to hydrological variability arising from climate change and to study the challenges faced by developing economies to mitigate the impact of climate change on water resources.
