This Article supports SDG 3 by providing the first systematic review on uptake of testing and treatment and turnaround times to treatment initiation with point-of-care HCV testing versus standard laboratory testing, finding improvements on both fronts; this is reflected in new WHO recommendations on adoption of point-of-care HCV testing as an alternative to laboratory-based tests.
WGS data revealed that herpesvirus/anelloviruses are naturally found in European populations. This represents the first comprehensive research on the plasma virome of pregnant Turkish women.
This article aligns with the SDG goal 3 of Good health by showing that hepatitis E superinfection accelerate disease progression and increase long-term mortality in patients with hepatitis B liver cirrhosis
This Review supports SDGs 2 and 3 by synthesising the evidence on the mechanisms that connect extreme climate events to food insecurity, including events such as drought, change in rainfall patterns, and change in sea levels.
This Viewpoint supports SDGs 3 and 6, focusing on the rapid spread of Aedes and Anopheles stephensi mosquitoes and the associated transmission of disease, particularly in urban environments
This Article supports SDG 3s and 6 by presenting global comprehensive estimates of deaths associated with 33 bacterial pathogens across 11 major infectious syndromes, many of which could be prevented by improved access to safe drinking water and sanitation facilities.
This Article supports SDGs 3 and 6 by showing that the integration of a health education package for for the promotion of correct hygiene and sanitation practices into the school curriculum is an affordable and scalable approach to respond to the burden of soil-transmitted helminth infection among schoolchildren in the Philippines.

One Earth, Volume 5, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 126-128

This Commentary directly addresses the most pressing challenges of World Water Day by tackling the presistence of water-, sanitation- and hygiene-related diseases and what needs to be done to address these challenges.

One Earth, Volume 5, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 122-125

In this Voices panel, 7 global experts discuss the challenges of wastewater management and what is needed to transition wastewater into useable water.

One Earth, Volume 5, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 140-141

Gilbert Houngbo is the chair of UN-Water and president of International Fund for Agricultural Development. In this Q&A, he discusses global progress and remaining challenges to achieving clean water for all.
