This paper presents a water resilience assessment framework that includes a set of resilience indicators that will guide in building urban water resilience.
The paper supports SDG 6 and 3 by discussing toxins in water and the risk of using contaminated water to process food.

Overuse of water has led to the degradation and scarcity of limited water resources, which prompted the modern world to adopt sustainable measures to save water by increasing its reuse and recycling.
Background: WHO promotes the SAFE strategy for the elimination of trachoma as a public health programme, which promotes surgery for trichiasis (ie, the S component), antibiotics to clear the ocular st
Access to hygiene services is a pressing challenge, particularly in low-income countries, and has become even more critical during the COVID-19 pandemic. While the WHO/UNICEF Joint Monitoring Program monitors global access to hygiene services, there's a need for alternative measures of inequality, such as a ternary diagram, to provide more accurate interpretations of the data, revealing spatial disparities and informing evidence-based public policies. [hotspot on urban/rural population in LMIC]
This paper cautions that the adoption of electric vehicles with the aim of reducing greenhouse gas emissions must balance that beneficial effect against increased water consumption. It recommends battery electric vehicles charged by solar energy as the best solution.
By analyzing the impact of both public water supply and water handling containers, this paper makes an important contribution to the literature regarding the effectiveness of water supply programs based on the following related outcomes: objective and subjective water quality at the source and Point-of-use (POU), POU water treatment, water transport and storage behavior, and uptake of new, improved water points.
Both subterranean rivers and groundwater sources can offer considerable contributions towards potential summer cooling of London Underground stations, while also having significant environmental and economic advantages relative to alternative refrigeration techniques.
This Personal View supports SDGs 3 and 6 by suggesting a scale-specific approach in which agricultural water use is embedded in a larger systems approach to allow the design of effective incentives to change and optimise agricultural water use.
This paper studied the heavy metal concentrations in the study area had a temporal decreasing trend compared to previous studies, which may be due to the reduction in human activities.