International Day of Older Persons 2025

Wednesday, October 1, 2025

2025’s International Day of Older Persons: Advocating for Healthy and Inclusive Aging

Celebrated on October 1 every year, the International Day of Older Persons is a significant global event dedicated to raising awareness about the challenges and opportunities of aging. This day serves to honor the contributions older persons make to society and highlights the importance of creating a world where they can live with dignity, independence, and inclusion.

Global Recognition and the United Nations Involvement

The United Nations General Assembly designated October 1 as the International Day of Older Persons in Resolution 45/106, adopted on December 14, 1990. The first observance of this day took place on October 1, 1991, with the United Nations Programme on Ageing taking a leading role in the promotion of awareness and advocacy for older persons’ rights.

The goals of the International Day of Older Persons include:

Raising Awareness of the significance of population aging and its societal impacts, including healthcare, economics, and social inclusion.

Promoting the Rights of Older Persons, encouraging governments and organizations to create policies that ensure older people’s participation in society and protect their rights.

Fostering Intergenerational Collaboration by emphasizing solidarity between generations and working toward sustainable development goals that benefit all ages.

Annual Themes and Their Impact

Since its inception, the International Day of Older Persons has focused on different aspects of aging through various annual themes. These themes have explored key issues such as age equality, the impact of pandemics on older persons, and promoting digital equity. In 2025, the theme will continue to build on previous efforts by focusing on the role older persons play in creating resilient, sustainable societies.

Connection to the Sustainable Development Goals

The International Day of Older Persons aligns closely with several United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), including:

SDG 3: Good Health and Well-Being – Promoting health and longevity through access to healthcare for older persons.

SDG 10: Reduced Inequality – Reducing age-based discrimination and ensuring older persons can contribute fully to their communities.

SDG 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities – Encouraging age-friendly environments that support the independence and well-being of older persons.

Advocating for Healthy Aging and Inclusion

The world’s population is aging rapidly. By 2050, the number of people aged 65 and older is expected to double, making it crucial to implement policies that support healthy aging. Ensuring that older persons have access to healthcare, social protection, and opportunities to engage in society is not only a matter of rights but also essential for sustainable development.

Engagement and Global Solidarity

Celebrating the International Day of Older Persons is a commitment to advocating for the rights and well-being of older persons globally. It provides an opportunity for all sectors of society—governments, civil organizations, and individuals—to come together and take action in creating a world that values the contributions of older generations and ensures their dignity and well-being.

On October 1, 2025, join the international community in recognizing the invaluable role of older persons and advocating for policies that promote healthy, inclusive, and age-friendly environments.

International Day of Older People Themes

Year Theme Description
1998 & 2000 Towards A Society for All Ages This theme emphasizes the need to create inclusive societies that cater to people of all ages, including older persons.
2004 Older Persons in an Intergenerational Society Highlights the importance of intergenerational connections and support between different age groups.
2005 Ageing in the New Millennium This theme focuses on the challenges and opportunities that come with global ageing in the 21st century.
2006 Improving the Quality of Life for Older Persons: Advancing UN Global Strategies Focuses on advancing global strategies to improve the quality of life for older people.
2007 Addressing the Challenges and Opportunities of Ageing Discusses the opportunities and challenges presented by a rapidly ageing population.
2008 Rights of Older Persons This theme centers on promoting and protecting the rights of older persons globally.
2009 Celebrating the 10th Anniversary of the International Year of Older Persons: Towards a Society for All Ages Marks the 10th anniversary of the International Year of Older Persons, continuing the theme of inclusivity.
2010 Older Persons and the Achievement of the MDGs Emphasizes the role of older persons in achieving the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).
2011 The Growing Opportunities & Challenges of Global Ageing Addresses the increasing opportunities and challenges related to global ageing.
2012 Longevity: Shaping the Future This theme highlights the growing importance of longevity and its impact on the future of societies.
2013 The Future We Want: What Older Persons are Saying Focuses on including the voices and perspectives of older persons in shaping the future.
2014 Leaving No One Behind: Promoting a Society for All Emphasizes inclusivity and ensuring that older persons are not left behind in global development efforts.
2015 Sustainability and Age Inclusiveness in the Urban Environment Focuses on making urban environments more inclusive for older persons.
2016 Take a Stand Against Ageism This theme calls for action against ageism and discrimination towards older persons.
2017 Stepping into the Future: Tapping the Talents, Contributions and Participation of Older Persons in Society Encourages recognizing the valuable contributions of older persons in society.
2018 Celebrating Older Human Rights Champions Celebrates older people who have fought for human rights throughout their lives.
2019 The Journey to Age Equality This theme focuses on addressing inequalities faced by older persons and promoting equality for all ages.
2020 Pandemics: Do They Change How We Address Age and Ageing? Focuses on the impact of pandemics on older persons and how societies should adapt to support them.
2021 Digital Equity for All Ages This theme highlights the importance of ensuring that older persons have equal access to digital technologies.
2022 Resilience of Older Persons in a Changing World Focuses on the resilience of older persons amidst global challenges and changes.
2023 Fulfilling the Promises of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights for Older Persons: Across Generations This theme emphasizes the importance of fulfilling human rights promises for older persons, across all generations.