Increasing the production of food from the ocean is seen as a pathway toward more sustainable and healthier human diets.

Maintaining or restoring connectivity among wildlife populations is a primary strategy to overcome the negative impacts of habitat fragmentation.
Earth's ecosystems, upon which all life depends, are in a severe state of degradation.

Rewilding should be central to the massive restoration efforts needed to overcome the global biodiversity crisis and enhancing the biosphere's capacity to mitigate climate change.

Agricultural pesticides represent a significant class of endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs) to which non-target organisms around the world are constantly exposed.

The Baltic Sea is essential for marine ecosystem services (MES) provision and the region's socio-economic dynamics. It is considered one of the busiest and most polluted regional seas in Europe.
Restoration thinking provides a new paradigm for charting a bold future that prevents further loss of biodiversity and habitat destruction, avoids catastrophic climate change, and promotes the well

Rivers and estuaries transport vast amounts of carbon from land to oceans and play an important role in the global carbon cycle through their high rates of carbon respiration and sequestration.
Technology can be used to target hotspots of marine plastic pollution. The Inventory is a tool to identify plastic pollution prevention and cleanup technologies.