The correlation between vaginal microecological dysbiosis-related diseases and preterm birth: A review

Elsevier, Medicine in Microecology, Volume 8, June 2021
Gao Y., Shang Q., Wei J., Chen T.
In the 21st century, the incidence of preterm birth has continued to increase. According to statistics, preterm birth accounts for 5%–18% of all births worldwide, and 70%–75% of perinatal deaths are related to preterm birth. Preterm birth is not only a cardiopulmonary defect for the baby, but also has a negative impact on the mother's health. Many studies have shown that vaginal microecological dysbiosis-related diseases are the most common causes of preterm birth, such as bacterial vaginosis (BV), vulvovaginal candidiasis (VVC), group B streptococcal (GBS) infections and other infectious diseases. Therefore, we have a review of the deeper understanding of the links and mechanisms between vaginal microecological dysbiosis-related diseases and preterm birth. In addition, timely restoration of vaginal microecology through microbial therapy become the key to prevent and reduce the incidence of preterm birth.