Digital Healthcare in Asia and Gulf Region for Healthy Aging and More Inclusive Societies: Chapter 17 - Artificial intelligence and the delivery of patient-centered care in the Gulf region: navigating the ethical landscape

Elsevier, Digital Healthcare in Asia and Gulf Region for Healthy Aging and More Inclusive Societies: Shaping Digital Future, 2024, pp 331-352
Adhari Al Zaabi, Aasim I. Padela

This chapter details how the proliferation of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies in healthcare may impact, both positively and negatively, the delivery of patient-centered care in the Gulf region. The chapter begins with an overview of the increasing interest in the integration of AI tools into patient care delivery in the Gulf region as well as principal developments in this domain. Next, the chapter will analyze the potential benefits and harms of leveraging these technologies in healthcare through the lens of the patient–doctor relationship. On the positive side, AI can empower healthcare professionals by leveraging vast patient data to refine diagnostic accuracy and tailoring treatment plans. Furthermore, the potential advantages of AI in the areas of resource allocation and enhancing patient outcomes will be touched upon. On the potential harms side, the chapter will discuss ethical considerations pertaining to AI integration, including data privacy as well as algorithmic bias and transparency. Throughout the chapter, the distinctive sociocultural and religious context of the Gulf region, where family involvement in healthcare decision-making and religious dictates hold significant importance will be highlighted as apropos. The chapter emphasizes the need for a comprehensive ethical framework and implementation model that strikes a balance between harnessing the potential benefits of AI whilst safeguarding patient rights and enhancing the patient–doctor relationship. Such models must also account for the notion of whole-person care and integrate patients’ and families’ values, beliefs, and preferences in their deployment.