Visualization Techniques for Climate Change with Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence: Chapter 18 - Significance of artificial intelligence to develop mitigation strategies against climate change in accordance with sustainable development goal

Elsevier, Visualization Techniques for Climate Change with Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence, 2023, pp 377-399
Dhakshina Priya Rajeswari Ilango, Vijaya Ilango, Karthiyayini Sridharan

Climate change has mounted to the forefront of the world's most critical environmental issues. The countries of every continent are currently affected by climate change. It is hurting lives and destabilizing national economies, costing people, towns, and governments a lot of money today and even more in future. Climate change mitigation entails taking steps to reduce global warming and its consequences. This entails lowering human greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions as well as efforts that lower GHG concentrations in the atmosphere. Along with adaptation, it is one of the strategies to respond to climate change. The importance of understanding the risks and vulnerabilities associated with climate change and considerate its effect on both human and natural systems is crucial to comprehend the current climate emergency. Attempting climate change requires accomplishment across society, spanning many approaches, tools, and communities. The use of artificial intelligence (AI) in areas such as energy, land use, and disaster response is an example of a tool that offers significant opportunity for climate change mitigation and adaptation. So, it is intended for a mini-review on the importance of AI in developing mitigation strategies against climate change. This book chapter consists of three parts. In the first part, the impacts on climate action will be discussed followed by the second part that gives a description of measures for familiarizing the climate change. Finally, in the third part, the implication of AI to address the climate change will be deliberated and highlighted from several research groups.