UGA Hacks 9, Hotter Wings and Helping Missing Children

George S Foreman

UGAHacks is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization that has been hosting an annual 48-hour hackathon for almost a decade now. This was the 2nd time HPCC Systems sponsored a challenge and participated in the hackathon held at the University of Georgia. If you want to catch up on our participation in last year’s event, please read the blog: UGA Hacks 8, Hot Wings and Hope for the Future.

Being mindful not to divulge too much information about this challenge because it is one of HPCC Systems active hackathon challenges offered, I can say that the theme of this year’s HPCC Systems challenge is Help Missing Kids. Students are asked to use real data from the NCMEC database along with 8 other datasets and try to find correlations in the data between various contributing social factors. The hope is that a team might possibly propose a solution to help combat the chronic issue of missing children.