Advancing the Sustainable Development Goals by Supporting Peace: How Business can Contribute

The launch of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the growth of the UN Global Compact Business for Peace platform represent two opportunities for companies to seek ever more ways to have a positive impact on society and to engage in support of peace. This resource seeks to advance the discussion on how business can contribute to SDG 16, specifically providing a foundation for on understanding the role of the private sector in support of peace in conflict-affected and high-risk areas.

This document complements existing materials such as the UN Global Compact Guidance on Responsible Business in Conflict-Affected and High-Risk Areas with a new perspective on deliberate contributions to peace by companies. Company engagement in conflict-affected and high-risk environments falls along a spectrum: from risk management, to avoiding negative effects (“doing no harm”) and contributing to positive change, where possible, to, more directly addressing key drivers of conflict and violence.