SDG 7 News Graphic

Nexis Newsdesk™ has created graphics on the SDGs and the Global Media Landscape, offering charts & insights into global media coverage of the Sustainable Development Goals.

Global Goal 7 key findings:

  • Coverage published within leading high-income countries such as Spain, the U.S. and Switzerland was highly positive –
    • Spanish media outlets most often published positive stories focused on Spain’s SDG activity.
    • American media placed a larger focus on low and middle-income countries, where reports were positive or neutral.
    • Switzerland’s World Economic Forum drove the country’s position as being the most progressive source of SDG 7 content. Like Switzerland, Spanish outlets similarly generated reports about progressive solutions to achieving the SDGs.
  • SDG 7 was least mentioned within high-income countries such as South Korea, the Netherlands, Ireland and Denmark. Except for Ireland, these countries placed a stronger focus on low/middle-income countries, where stories were published with neutral sentiment. Irish media negatively published reports about Ireland’s own SDG progress.
  • Africa received widespread positive coverage from low, middle and high-income countries. Among the leading low and middle-income sources of SDG 7 coverage, South Africa accounted for the largest percentage of positive stories, primarily surrounding initiatives taking place across Africa which further progress SDG 7.
  • Three percent of SDG 7 content was published by international tier one sources such as Europa Press, and Abu Dhabi National. Spain, the U.S. and India were the leading sources of tier one SDG 7 coverage.