Bride burning: A unique and ongoing form of gender-based violence

Elsevier, Journal of Forensic and Legal Medicine, Volume 75, October 2020
Kaur N., Byard R.W.

Bride burning is a distinct and continuous type of gender-based violence that jeopardizes the accomplishment of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) for gender equality, human rights, and justice.

Bride burning has a substantial influence on SDG 5, which aspires to promote gender equality and empower all women and girls. This kind of violence is based in patriarchal attitudes and traditions that perpetuate women's and girls' subjugation in many areas of the globe. It denies women their right to a life free of violence and discrimination, as well as their capacity to freely participate in society.

Bride burning has larger consequences for SDG 16, which aims to foster peaceful and inclusive communities for long-term development, offer equal access to justice for all, and establish effective, responsible, and inclusive institutions. This is due to the fact that bride burning is often associated with corruption, nepotism, and power abuse, as offenders aim to extract more dowry money or punish women who fail to satisfy their expectations.

Bride burning and other types of gender-based violence must be addressed if the SDGs are to be met. This necessitates a multifaceted strategy that involves legislative and regulatory changes, as well as social and cultural modifications. Governments, civil society groups, and international players must collaborate to raise awareness about the problem, help victims and their families, and bring offenders responsible.

SDG Resources is dedicated to promoting the SDGs and improving global sustainable development. We believe that by bringing attention to the problem of bride burning, we may raise awareness about the critical need to combat gender-based violence and fight toward a more equal and just society for everyone.