Recycled Plastic Biocomposites - Chapter 11: Marine-based reinforcing materials for biocomposites

Elsevier, Recycled Plastic Biocomposites, 2022, pp 229-245
Bin Bakri M.K., Rahman M.R., Matin M.M., Yurkin Y., Burkov A., Jayamani E. et al.

The marine arena is our largest source of food supplies and one of the highest and biggest diversity products or byproducts supplier. Due to this diversity, its products and byproducts have a great potential to be used as reinforcement in biocomposites. From fish scales, bones, and crabs, all these parts can be used as reinforcement due to their exceptional properties. This chapter discusses the potential, properties, processes, and applications for marine-based sources as reinforced materials for biocomposites. Marine-based materials have comparable properties with other biocomposites, especially in term of degradability and strength, which are directly influenced by its environment.