World Forum on Climate Justice
Glasgow Caledonian University, Glasgow

The last four years (2014-2017) have been the warmest in recorded history. In 2017, the atmospheric concentration of carbon dioxide reached a level unseen in at least 3 million years. In 2018, Scotland experienced its highest ever temperature of 33.2°C.
It is evident that the climate is changing and that it is doing so at an unprecedented pace. While its manifestations such as droughts, floods or sea-level rise will affect every country on the planet, not everyone will be impacted in the same way. The rapidly growing socio-economic inequalities across the globe will result in an ever-more disproportionate burden on the poorest and the politically and socio-economically marginalised. Addressing this widening disparity and the resulting climate injustice requires a concerted, collaborative effort to open and address often difficult and challenging conversations on how our societies and economies are affected and how these can be addressed/tackled.
The World Forum on Climate Justice – organised by Elsevier in partnership with the GCU Centre for Climate Justice - cuts across all the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and aims to promote excellence in research by creating an environment that will enable discussion and debate in conceptual and empirical research on climate justice and will be a platform for fostering collaboration, networking and wider engagement.
Call for papers:
Abstracts are invited by 25 January 2019 on the conference topics for presentation as talks and posters.
Confirmed speakers:
Mary Robinson
Mary Robinson Foundation - Climate Justice, Republic of Ireland
Patrick Bond
University of Witwatersrand