

World Book and Copyright Day 2025

The essence of literature is eternal, permeating cultures and generations. SDG Resources proudly commemorates the World Book and Copyright Day 2025, drawing attention to the instrumental role of literature in achieving Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

The Interrelation between SDGs and Literature


World Down Syndrome Day 2025: A Deep Dive into SDGs

Every year, the world pauses to recognize and celebrate the vibrant lives and countless contributions of people with Down syndrome. As we approach World Down Syndrome Day 2025 on March 21, SDG Resources is promoting the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) that pertain especially to this community.

SDGs and Down Syndrome: An Overview


World Autism Awareness Day 2025: SDG Resources' Deep Dive

On April 2, 2025, the global community will come together to observe World Autism Awareness Day 2025. This occasion, significantly elevated by the commitment of SDG Resources, showcases the powerful intersection of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and autism advocacy.

Introduction: The Importance of April 2

world toilet day

World Toilet Day 2024: Making Every Flush Count for Sustainable Development

On World Toilet Day 2024, which falls on 19 November, SDG Resources aims to cast a spotlight on an issue that many often overlook – sanitation. As odd as it might sound to some, toilets are more than just a basic amenity; they're a symbol of a society's progress and commitment to ensuring the well-being of its inhabitants.

A Brief Introduction to World Toilet Day 2024

International Literacy Day

International Literacy Day 2024: SDGs and the Promise of Education

Literacy is more than just reading and writing—it's a ticket to freedom, a voice in the community, and a bridge to opportunity. On International Literacy Day 2024, people gather to celebrate and reflect on these principles, and how they play a pivotal role in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

The Significance of International Literacy Day

International Day of Peace

Annually, on 21 September, the world marks the International Day of Peace. Established by the United Nations, this day epitomises our joint aspiration for a world devoid of discord and turmoil. This year, attention is particularly directed towards the crucial role of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Grasping the Significance

World Children's Day

World Children's Day 2024: An Ode to Child Empowerment and Sustainable Goals

World Children's Day, observed every November 20th, represents a solemn reminder and celebration of the rights of children worldwide. In World Children's Day 2024, there's a unique alignment with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to create an environment where every child can thrive.

A Brief Introduction to World Children's Day

World Teachers’ Day

World Teachers’ Day 2024: Empowering the Architects of Future

In the tapestry of life, few threads shine as brilliantly as those of educators.  When one mentions World Teachers’ Day 2024, a wave of respect and gratitude fills the air. After all, each year, this day underscores the critical role teachers play in society.

World Teachers’ Day 2024 is not just another annual event. It's a global nod of appreciation, a symphony of claps, and a celebration for those who dedicate their lives to the noble cause of education.

World Diabetes Day

World Diabetes Day 2024: Empowering Global Health 

Diabetes remains a pivotal global health challenge, but once a year, the world unites in a singular mission – raising awareness and fostering change. This unity finds its voice in World Diabetes Day 2024.

Diabetes, a non-communicable disease, affects millions across the globe. Yet, not all are aware of its repercussions or preventive measures. World Diabetes Day 2024 provides a platform for everyone – from medical professionals to the general public – to learn, share, and act.

World Tourism Day

World Tourism Day 2024

World Tourism Day 2024 beckons! As we stand on the brink of another celebration of the myriad wonders of global travel, it's crucial to recognise the significant role of SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals).

Since its inception, World Tourism Day has been an emblematic moment for travel enthusiasts. But this World Tourism Day 2023 isn't just another tick on the calendar. It represents an alignment of the global journey with SDGs.

The Importance of SDGS
