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International Day of Friendship 2024

2025's Nelson Mandela International Day: Celebrating Unity and Service

Celebration and Recognition

RELX SDG Inspiration Day 2024: Leading edge discussion on AI for sustainable development: the risks and opportunities The tenth RELX SDG Inspiration Day - a free, online event for thought leaders, corporate representatives, students, investors, government and NGOs to explore issues, gain practical insights and be inspired to take action in support of the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
SDG wheel with Age of AI event details

AI holds tremendous potential for advancing the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).  AI, particularly generative AI, provides new opportunities to analyse data and trends at pace a

Title card image with UNGC logo
In recent years, increased expectations from investors, regulators, employees, and customers have put significant pressure on companies to increase their sustainability efforts. The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are not just another sustainability framework, but the only universally agreed blueprint to turn meaningful ambition into transformational change. However, businesses report difficulties in integrating the SDGs into their core strategies and in understanding, reporting, and managing their impact on the Goals.
Images relating to how RELX supports the SDGs including image of 3D anatomy model
As we pass the halfway point for the SDGs, many of the goals are worryingly off track and progress on 85% of the target indicators has stalled or even reversed. Through our information, products and people, RELX remains committed to advancing the Goals. Here are some of the ways that we continue to support their achievement.
Image of front cover of Elsevier report The Power of Data in Advancing the SDGs
Access to information is critical in achieving the SDGs - empowering the public to make decisions, informing policy making and enabling effective implementation and monitoring. RELX businesses regularly produce and publish free to download reports and analytics that draw upon vast amounts of information and data in support of the SDGs. Explore some of the reports and tools developed to date.
Front cover of SDG Stocktake report
The United Nations Global Compact-Accenture Global Private Sector Stock take report report offers an appraisal of private sector contributions to the SDGs so far and outlines a clear pathway for private sector action over the next seven years.
Front cover image of UNGC SDG Playbook for SMEs
The UN Global Compact Network UK, in partnership with Irwin Mitchell, has developed the SDG Playbook for SMEs: a step-by-step guide to help smaller companies unlock the competitive advantages associated with embracing the Sustainable Development Goals.
