
United Nations Global Compact, 2016

Linking to Goal 13, this report discusses how the private sector can become a catalyst for enhancing and deepening country-level action to meet the ambitions set out by the Paris Agreement and the SDGs.

United Nations Global Compact, 2016

Linking to Goal 17, this report finds that fiduciary duty is not an obstacle to asset owner action on ESG factors. This report looks at fiduciary duty across eight markets (US, Canada, UK, Germany, Brazil, Australia, Japan and South Africa).

United Nations Global Compact, 2016

Linking to Goal 17, this report examines how institutional investors across the world are beginning to interact with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and paint an early picture of investors’ current and future plans to engage with these Goals.

United Nations Global Compact, 2016

Linking to Goal 10 and Goal 16, this report outlines ways in which business can help uphold children’s rights and support and promote their well-being during humanitarian crises.

United Nations Global Compact, 2016

Linking Goal 10 and Goal 16, this report highlights the linkages between human rights and anti-corruption compliance and how companies can benefit from integrating these considerations in their compliance programs.

United Nations Global Compact, 2016

This report examines the real estate sector’s impact in relation to the UN Global Compact’s four focus areas of human rights, labour standards, the environment and anti-corruption, relating to Goal 9 and Goal 17.

United Nations Global Compact, 2016

A responsible supply chain, and eliminating corruption in the supply chain, are important elements of goals 10 and 16. This report, updated in 2016, outlines common supply chain corruption scenarios and provides a framework and set of tools for addressing them.

December 2015

The Climate Change supplement to the 'Sustainability Science in a Global Landscape' report provides analysis of the top trends in a shifting research landscape in relation to climate change. Understanding the sustainability research environment is critical to advancing SDG 13.2 to integrate climate change measures into national policies, strategies and planning.
