Biodiversity and Bioeconomy - Chapter 5: Biodiversity for ecosystem services and sustainable development goals

Elsevier, Biodiversity and Bioeconomy: Status Quo, Challenges, and Opportunities, 2024, pp 81-110
Saleh M., Ashqar H.I., Alary R., Mahfouf Bouchareb E., Bouchareb R., Dizge N. et al.

This chapter introduces the biodiversity effects on the ecosystem and sustainable development goals (SDGs). It starts by presenting an overview of biodiversity meaning, importance, threats, and conservation strategies. It then explains the emerging role of biodiversity as a source of important materials and the relationship between biodiversity and climate change. Moreover, it includes biodiversity threats and methods of conservation, nature conservation, conventional and emerging biotechnological techniques to conserve biodiversity, and the relationship between biodiversity and sustainability. By the end of the chapter, the main elements of the future scope and research opportunities on the role of artificial intelligencein biodiversity conservation, as well as SDGs, are explained. A full discussion of biodiversity effects on the ecosystem and sustainable development is included to show their relationship with the key concepts of biodiversity importance, climate changes, nature conservation, emerging biotechnological techniques, sustainability, and with biodiversity conservation methods entities, protocols, and procedures.