Healthcare Strategies and Planning for Social Inclusion and Development–Chapter 5: Social, economic, and health disparities of rural women

Elsevier, Healthcare Strategies and Planning for Social Inclusion and Development, 2022, Pages 159-201
Basanta Kumara Behera, Ram Prasad, Shyambhavee Behera

The chapter beings with the social significance of women’s right to access equality, as men enjoy in society. In this connection it has been explained how inequality between genders not only affects individual but changes entire economies, both at the national and global level. So, it has been well explained how to bring awareness on women’s rights by campaigning the celebration of International Day for Women. Current issues on gender equality under extreme socio-economic problem rose due to COVID-19 pandemic and lockdown of school, institutes and other offices, and supplementary unpaid work load on rural women, while managing family and agricultural services have been well presented with facts and figures. Additionally, the health problem being faced by women, working on the frontline has also well documented with global data survey reports from reliable international healthcare agencies like WHO, UN Women Organization, and UNICEF. It has also informed how safety and security measures of women working in pandemic effected work places are being taken by these organizations. Special attention of this chapter is given to issues of unpaid women’s labor, and how to reduce the work load of rural women through various labor saving technologies, easily acceptable to rural women has been presented with factual data and figures.