This paper based on three implemented Regional Climate Models (RCMs), namely CMCC-CCLM, CNRM-ALADIN52, and GUF-CCLM-NEMO, for RCP4.5 and RCP8.5 scenarios of the 21st century. Atmospheric modelling datasets cover the Reference (1971–2000) and Future (2071–2100) Periods of climate projections. The results produced within this study can be used for investigations in specific locations of the Mediterranean basin within integrated hydrologic/hydrodynamic modelling under projected climate change conditions during the 21st century.
This Article supports SDGs3 and 13 by asessing the potential impact of net zero greenhouse gas emissions on public health in England and Wales. The authors showed that there are likely to be substantial net benefits for health, with greater benefits associated with faster and more ambitious changes.
This paper focuses on the impact of epidemic situation on carbon emissions in different provinces of China and provide different emission reduction directions and measures for carbon emission research in different provinces.

Forest Ecology and Management, Volume 534, 15 April 2023, 120782

Many of the forests of the world are parts of complex landscapes that include intact native forests, forests utilized by communities, and agricultural lands. Understanding ecosystem services at the scale of landscapes benefits from careful consideration of transitions among these land uses, and this article examines these topics for landscapes in Peru and the Philippines.
The effects of forest harvesting are very evident aboveground, with clear contrasts between areas that are clearcut and those that are managed with some degree of retention of old trees.  The implications for the belowground portions of forest ecosystems are difficult to see, but fundamental to the future development of the recovering forest.
An investigation supporting SDGs 7 and 13, based in Ghana, into the possibility of using slaughterhouse wastes as a source of renewable energy through biogas technology. The researchers concluded that 'Ghana generates significant amount of slaughterhouse waste each year that can be processed using AD [anaerobic digestion] for energy and electricity production to supplement the country's electricity needs, while reducing GHG emissions'.

The Lancet Planetary Health, Volume 7, Issue 2, February 2023, Pages e147-e154

This Article supports SDGs 3 and 13 by estimating how global income inequality might have to be reduced in order to ensure both decent living standards and reductions in global energy use for planetary health.
This Article supports SDG7 and 13 by proposing a new model to identify the most critical features of energy storage system technologies to enhance renewable energy integration and achieve New York State's climate goals from 2025 to 2040.

Best Practice and Research: Clinical Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Volume 86, February 2023

The article investigates the role of environmental pollutants, especially endocrine disrupting chemical, and their negative effect on fertility.
This article advances SDG # 13 by devising a new way of accounting for responsibility, and shows that developing countries value-chain based responsibility for global CO2 emissions has surpassed that of developed countries since 2012 and is increasing quickly. Massive global value chains, through global trade, make accounting for "responsibility" of climate emissions increasingly complicated.
