Explores gender differences in the interactions between people's travel behaviour and their mental health. Suggests policies and strategies that policy-makers and planners could use to promote better mental health specifically among either male or female populations.
This Article supports SDG 3 by examining the relationship between BMI and mental health in a large dataset of adolescents in the UK, finding this relationship to be mediated by happiness with appearance and self esteem. The authors note that greater emphasis should be placed in school cirricula, advertising, and social media on promoting healthy body image and self esteem and reducing weight stigma.
This Article supports SDG 3 by analysing the effect of parental death on subsequent antidepressant use among children and young people, looking at a cohort of 7-24 year olds in Sweden. The study found an increased risk of antidepressant use over the 12 years of follow-up, particularly if the surviving parent has mental health issues. The authors suggest that research and interventions could focus on mental health issues of the child and surviving parent, and the interaction between them.
This Article supports SDG 3 by evaluating the effect on mental health of the Community Wealth Building programme in Preston, UK, whereby the local economy in this economically deprived area was boosted by shifting to local supply chains. Compared with control areas, an improvement was seen in mental health outcomes such as prevalence of depression. The authors suggest that such a model could simultaneously help to advance economic regeneration, improve health and wellbeing, and reduce regional inequalities.
Scandinavian countries show important differences in specialist care for major depressive disorder.
A service evaluation was conducted of a rapid response brief trauma therapy training at the start of the Ukraine war. The aims of this study were to explore the feasibility of providing brief therapy trauma training to upskill local therapists in Ukraine and to assess if the treatment approach was effective in reducing Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder symptoms.

Ciottone's Disaster Medicine (Third Edition)

2024, Pages 388-392

This content supports the SDG Goal 3: Good health and well-being by providing a background understanding and framework to aid in the prevention, identification, and control of infectious diseases in disaster zones.

Global Perspectives on the Transmission of Zoonotic RNA Viruses from Wild Animal Species to Humans
Zoonotic, Epizootic, and Anthropogenic Viral Pathogens
2023, Pages 65-79

This content aligns with Goal 3: Good Health and Wellbeing by showing human immunodeficiency viruses, HIV-1 and H1V-2, as examples of species cross-over.
PHACE Syndrome
This article relates to SDG 3. This resource, created together by Osmosis and the National Organization for Rare Diseases (NORD), aims to increase the knowledge and awareness about Rare Disease Education: PHACE Syndrome
Adrenal Insufficiency
This article relates to SDG 3. This resource, created together by Osmosis and the National Organization for Rare Diseases (NORD), aims to increase the knowledge and awareness about Rare Disease Education: Adrenal Insufficiency
