World Malaria Day 2025: United Against Malaria
World Malaria Day, celebrated every April 25th, is a crucial event aimed at raising awareness about the global effort needed to defeat malaria. Instituted by WHO Member States during the World Health Assembly in 2007, this day emphasizes the importance of continued investment and sustained political commitment for malaria prevention, control, and elimination.
The Genesis of World Malaria Day
World Health Day 2025: Global Action for Universal Health
World Health Day is celebrated each year on April 7th, marking the founding of the World Health Organization (WHO) in 1948. This day is dedicated to raising awareness about critical health issues facing the world and mobilizing efforts to address them.
The Essence of World Health Day
World Tuberculosis Day 2025: A Global Call to Action
March 24th, 2025
Each year, World Tuberculosis Day is observed on March 24th, a day of significance marking Dr. Robert Koch's groundbreaking announcement in 1882 of the discovery of the bacterium responsible for tuberculosis (TB). This discovery was a pivotal moment in the medical field, leading to the development of diagnostic methods and treatments for this devastating disease.
The Significance of World Tuberculosis Day
The Right to Protest: online panel discussion
LexisNexis is hosting a free, online panel discussion in partnership with the International Law Book Facility (ILBF) to explore the right to protest.
24th January 2024 at 17:00-18:30 GMT
The panel discussion, moderated by James Harper, General Counsel of Global Nexis Solutions - part of LexisNexis, supports the ILBF's law undergraduate essay competition 2023-2024, that asks law undergraduates the question: ‘Should the right to protest be unfettered?’