Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages

This chapter advances the UN SDG goals 3 and 9 by exploring the potential benefits and ethical considerations of AI tools in healthcare settings.

Breast Cancer

Multidisciplinary Pathways for Cancer Care in the Community

2024, Pages 40-44

Within this chapter, we will take a look at experiential approaches and best practices to fostering effective and sustainable community outreach and health equity, supporting both SDG 3 and SDG 10.

Julian K. Trick, Marianne Stuart, Shaun Reeder,
Chapter 3 - Contaminated groundwater sampling and quality control of water analyses,
Editor(s): Benedetto De Vivo, Harvey E. Belkin, Annamaria Lima,
Environmental Geochemistry (Third Edition), Elsevier, 2024, Pages 35-62, ISBN 9780443138010

This chapter aligns with Goal 6: Clean water and sanitation by reviewing the tools available for the collection of groundwater samples, methods of on-site water-quality analysis, and the appropriate preservation and handling of samples. This work contributes to the anaylis of groundwater in efforts to monitor and improve water for populations.
Proper regulation is essential to ensure that such a system benefited those in need, and that those who provided organs are properly compensated. Without significant policy changes, however, far too many patients will continue to languish on waiting lists until they run out of time. The goal of SDG3 is that everyone should have a good health and well-being.
This chapter aligns with SDGs 3 and 6 by examining the relative capacity and capability of developing nations to adapt to hydrological variability arising from climate change and to study the challenges faced by developing economies to mitigate the impact of climate change on water resources.
This chapter aligns with SDGs 3 and 6 by examining how changes in precipitation, land use, EWEs, and necessary pollution control will force changes in how we farm.
Human health, in the coming decades (and already in some “front-running” regions), is in peril. Although some authorities warn that over-stating such risks can induce paralysis and despair, under-stating them will not generate the intense action that is required. The impact of climate change on the Earth system is now so significant that the next ice age will likely be delayed by at least 50,000 years [201]. If humans do not rapidly change their collective behavior, then this may be their most enduring legacy. It is hoped that this chapter makes a small contribution to SDG3.
This content aligns with Goal 3: Good Health and Wellbeing by explaining the different contributions to the mitochondrial toxic profile produced either by the virus or by the antiretroviral treatment.
This chapter advances Goals 3 and 5 by discussing how pediatric health-care providers and systems can create healing-centered spaces to support IPV survivors and their children.

Pediatric Clinics of North America, Volume 70, Issue 6, 2023, Pages 1087-1102

This chapter advances Goals 3 and 5 by discussing health care providers' opportunity for ARA prevention using a universal education approach that provides information on healthy and unhealthy relationship behaviors and ARA resources.
