Linking Neuroscience and Behavior in COVID-19 - Chapter 4: Linking community participation, mobility disabilities, and the COVID-19 pandemic

Elsevier, Linking Neuroscience and Behavior in COVID-19, 2024, Pages 39-48
Ayers K.B., Hall J.P., Burdick C.

COVID-19 had a significant impact on all aspects of civil life, including community participation. People with mobility disabilities were particularly impeded in efforts to participate in their communities due to heightened risks for negative outcomes, including hospitalization and death, from COVID-19. Many people with mobility disabilities utilized technology-mediated options, such as telehealth and web conferencing, to continue or find new ways to engage with others. This shift created both challenges and opportunities. COVID-19 remains a challenge and danger for people with mobility disabilities. Efforts to recover and prepare for the next public health disaster must be informed by current disability research and be disability-inclusive in its leadership and implementation.