Explores the problems faced by persons with disabilities while using public transport in Lahore, Pakistan, and how these problems influence their choice of mode of transport. Makes recommendations for transport policies and future research.
How cities dealt with food in the past, ultimately lessons for the present and future.
This article supports SDG # 3, 11 and 13 showing how even in wealthy countries, climate change is causing an acceleration of extremely costly disasters, and the authors provide a framework for disaster risk reduction that is applicable to climate change.
This paper focuses on the impact of epidemic situation on carbon emissions in different provinces of China and provide different emission reduction directions and measures for carbon emission research in different provinces.
This study provides new insight into the evolution of influx assessment employing concurrent sampling in large-sized rivers.

Energy Nexus, Volume 9, March 2023, 100181

This Article supports SDGs 7, 11, and 8 by presenting an alternative means of agricultural transport utilizing solar-powered farm rickshaws versus the traditional fossil fuel vehicles.
Reducing emissions and improving environmental conditions are now a global priority for promoting sustainable growth and preventing the adverse consequences of global warming and climate change.

Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, Volume 115, February 2023

Review article that examines 66 studies to understand the state of knowledge on the relationship between urban environment and the travel of people with disabilities. Adapts the classic travel demand model to the mobility characteristics of people with disabilities, interprets the existing literature, points out the missing links, and suggests directions of future research.
This chapter advances the UN SDG goals 8, 9, and 11 by exploring how AI can be utilized by city officials to improve quality of life in sustainable cities.
We observe the link between Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). We use automated methodologies to find insights and overlaps between AI and the SDGs. AI-Ethics frameworks need to give more attention to Society and Environment areas. Inclusive action is needed to balance the efforts for solving SDGs by using AI.SDGs 13, 14, and 15 (all related to the Environment area) are not sufficiently addressed.
